Andoer® 4/4 Violín Diapasón de Ébano Fingerboard
20 Doppel-Folien, Vorderseite mit Lasereffekt, Rückseite spiegelnd, 10 cm x 15 cm, 140 g/m², rot.
Farbiges Wachsornament Koalas, ca. 7,5 x 7,5 cm, geprägt. Mit unseren Wachsornamenten können Sie ganz einfach Kerzen selbst gestalten oder verzieren. Dazu das Wachsornament mit Handwärme auf einem Kerzenrohling oder anderen Wachsuntergründen, wie z.B. unseren Wachsplatten, platzieren. Für eine besonders starke Haftung empfehlen wir Wachs-Haftis.
We dive once again into twilit tropical forest to encounter a toucan, delicately hued magnolia blooms, intensely scarlet vine flowers and other fascinating exotic forms from the botanist's and the zoologist's careful brush. Vintage illustrations of the natural world are a little bit of an obsession around here but for this design we have taken the bold step of printing them on a 55% linen, 45% cotton mix. Usually the relatively open weave of the fabric would work against definition and colour richness. However we have found a way, as you can see. Detail is superb, saturation of rich tones from vivid red through Prussian green, orange ochre, magenta, violet and leaf, beautifully inked and shaded. Our toucan approves! On a dusky blue canvas the soft handle shirt is cool, light and comfortable - perfect for the warmer months. With a single button cuff and cutaway collar - known around these parts as a 'Harrison'
Who said lush fullness couldn't look natural? These beautifully glam lashes are made with super soft, tapered fibers that are longer on the outer corner for a sexy flared effect. Adds a delicate boost to your own lashes' length and volume. - Light volume, short length - Rounded lash style: elongated in the center with shorter inner and outer corners - Multiple layers of lashes with curl - Supersoft, fine tapered fibers - Invisband® provides an undetectable lash band and the most comfortable wear - Black
4 x Übernachtung je Person, 4 x Frühstück vom reichhaltigen Buffet je Person, 1 x Welcomedrink an der Bar je Person, 1 x Eintritt Tierpark Hellabrunn je Person, 1 x gefüllte Minibar (3 Getränke) pro Zimmer, inkl. Stellplatz in der hoteleigenen Tiefgarage, inkl. Nutzung der Sauna, Dampfbad, Fitness- und Relaxraum, inkl. Nutzung WLAN