eGo-C Twist Electronic Cigarette eGo Blister kit ecig CE4 Vaporizer Atomizer tanks vape 650mAh 900mAh 1100mAh Batteries ecigs starter kits DHL FREE
1. Ceramic coil 2. Pyrex glass tank 3. Black ceramic tip 4. 100% no leaking 5. Improved Ceramic coil 6. Pure taste, and easy to fill oil 7. 0.8ML/1.0ML capacity available, OEM provided
Super high capacity !, eGo batteries are very useful spares. They will eventually wearout, but most people do have 2 or 3 batteries, so that you're never stuck without one, whether there's one on charge, or you are out for the day and don't want it to run out, or if you just fancy a change in colour!Powerful, long lasting Diamond Mist battery range is easily deactivated / locked by pressing the button five times. Feature means that it's safe and convenient to pop into your handbag or briefcase when you want to take it on your travels. Batteries are compatible with our USB charger leads so convenient, fast charging is simple With powerful short circuit protection, this battery has a constant output for safety and features a standard 510 ego/evod thread connection which is compatible with the most popular clearomiser / tanks.
1. No tar or other carcinogenic substances. 2. Harmless to others or the environment. 3. No danger of second-hand smoking. 4. Can smoke in a public place
Capactity: 0.8ml 1.0ml Tip: round Coil: Ceramic coil Material:plastic The cartridge come in 100pcs one tray , tips separately with tank. The pacakging box is separately.
1. Original Products, 2. 3 VV Battery in the market. 3. High Drain Battery Continuous 10A, Max Discharge 35A. 4 Fitting for Electronic Cigarette Box MOD