Rideaux à œillets d'intimité bloquant le soleil pour rideaux d'extérieur et d'intérieur à 1 panneau
Montparnasse 56 Observation Visit Take in the best view of the Eiffel Tower and everything else Paris has to offer on the amazing 56th floor of the Montparnasse 56 Panoramic Visit (this will also avoid you the long queues at the Eiffel Tower). If you do just one thing when you are in Paris, this has to be it! Celebrate a special occasion or just the fact that you're in the most beautiful city in the world (arguably). You will have the very best views of the Eiffel Tower. A large number of audiovisual and interactive facilities are available, as is the aptly named 360 Degree Cafe with a wide range of drinks, snacks and light meals. Louvre Museum The Louvre Museum is unquestionably one of the finest art galleries in the world. Home to thousands of classic and modern masterpieces, the Louvre is the jewel in the crown of French culture, a towering testament to European civilisation and history. Its quality and importance is highlighted through its popularity as the Louvre is the globes most-visited museum. To walk through the Louvre Museum is to walk through the history of France and into the minds of kings and revolutionaries. The reigns of Louis XIII and Louis XIV saw major expansion and a linking of the palaces and halls, which make up the museum today The Louvre Museum contains over 35,000 pieces of artwork across numerous departments including Near Eastern Antiquities, Egyptian Antiquities, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities, Islamic Art, Sculptures, Decorative Arts, Paintings, Prints and Drawings. Masterpieces by great artists such as Da Vinci and Delacroix are part of the permanent collection of this prestigious gallery. Surrounding this iconic pyramid building are the Carrousel gardens. These beautiful formal gardens are among the finest in the world and the perfect setting to discuss and reflect on the wonders of the gallery itself.
Erkunden Sie Herculaneum, eine alte römische Stadt, die nach dem Ausbruch des Vesuvs im Jahr 79 n. Chr. Besser erhalten blieb als Pompeji
Spazieren Sie durch die gepflasterten Straßen und sehen Sie die antiken Villen, Fresken, Badehäuser und vieles mehr
Die Tour an diesen magischen Ort ist ein perfekter Tagesausflug
Dieses Ticket beinhaltet
Fast Track Zugang in Herculaneum
Dieses Ticket enthält nicht
Madame Tussauds kombiniert Glanz und Glamour mit erstaunlichen Locations auf der ganzen Welt. Hinter den Kulissen: Die Erstellung einer Wachsfigur beansprucht viel Zeit, Arbeit und Liebe fürs Detail. Bis zu einer fertigen Figur dauert es 3 Monate in einem langen Prozess von Fachleuten und professionellen Wachskünstlern.
Docooler Pack de 3 Sac étanche 3L Ultralight + 5L + 8L Outdoor Dry Sacks pour Camping Randonnée Voyager