HairGenesis Trichoceutical Revitalising Conditioner is a proven & effective hair loss conditioner using a blend of unique natural ingredients.
The Ion Semi-Permanent Pastel creme colour family features 6 brand new pastel shades and a clear mixer (Ion Pastel Diamond) for achieving extra light, pastel results for up to 15 washes. Soft tones in the most fashionable colours fade slowly and gently, allowing the hair colour to be changed as often as desired. The low ammonia, PPD and resorcinol free formula is gentle on the hair and scalp without compromising on results, allowing frequent colour changes with minimal damage. The low pigment content ensures a soft overall colour, while the pure pigments gently penetrate into the hair to give soft, luminous, pastel-coloured highlights. The colour intensity will depend on the hair s natural colour and development time. All bases from a light blonde to brown for a pearly multi-coloured effect, base 5 or lighter for tone on tone colour and base 8 or lighter for intense pastel tones. For an even softer and lighter result, mix your chosen Ion Pastel shade with Ion Pastel Diamond to reduce the intensity. We recommend carrying out a strand test to determine the mixing ratio and development time required to achieve the desired result.
Le Shampoing Camomille pour cheveux blonds 500ml Urtekram est 100 % naturel et a base de plantes. Le shampoing a la camomille est certifie Ecocert et permettra un lavage quotidien en prenant soin de ces cheveux normaux, secs ou fins et fragiles tout en apportant des reflets dores et une blondeur retrouvee. Le jus d aloe vera et la base lavante douce n irritent pas les cheveux, ni le cuir chevelu, au contraire permettent d adoucir et de nourrir les cheveux fragiles. Sans parabene et autres agents conservateurs synthetiques. Pas de colorants, produits de synthese, produits petrochimiques et alcool. Non teste sur les animaux.
Listing Date:05/26/2021