Meritene Energis ShakesMeritene Energis Shakes are specially formulated for the needs of seniors to help reduce tiredness and fatigue. Providing 19 vitamins and minerals, they are suitable as a nutritious first-line supplement and are available in three delicious flavours: Strawberry, Chocolate and Vanilla - simply choose your favourite(s) from the drop down above!Meritene Energis Shakes are:Rich in Vitamins B2, B6 and B12 which contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.Rich in Vitamin D and Calcium to support healthy bones.Rich in high quality protein to help maintain muscle mass.Gluten free.
Tee2 Blood Glucose MeterTee2 Blood Glucose Meter is ideal for people with uncomplicated type 2 diabetes, including those on insulin, and is accurate to the latest standards while still being affordable.Tee2 Blood Glucose Meter has a three step test process and requires no coding making it quick and easy to use with results in just 5 seconds. It has a large, easy to read screen where you can view the last 500 results, or the results can be downloaded on to a computer.
PKU Lophlex Powder 30x27.8gA powder free from phenylalanine, but containing a balanced mixture of other essential and non-essential amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and minerals. For use in the dietary management of proven phenylketonuria (PKU) in children aged from 8 years and adults, including pregnant womenThese products should not be used as a sole source of protein but must be given in conjunction with a protein source, to supply the phenylalanine, fluid and general nutrition requirements of the patient in quantities as prescribed by a clinician or dietitian. Only intended for use by patients with PKU.Use under medical supervision. Not for parenteral use. Not suitable for use as a sole source of nutrition.Water or diluted drinks should be offered / taken at the same time as PKU Lophlex Powder.
Nehmen Sie gesund ab, mit den Green Coffee Kapseln. Das Superfood hilft beim Fett verbrennen und beschleunigt so das Abnehmen.
Garcinia Cambogia Pure ist eine Art naturlicher Fettverbrenner und kann beim Abnehmen unterstutzen. Nahrungserganzung fur schnelleren Gewichtsverlust.
Concentre detox Bio 200ml Fleurance Nature Le concentre detox Bio 200ml Fleurance Nature est un ensemble de complements alimentaire qui nettoie, purifie et detoxifie l organisme. Il est compose uniquement de plantes depuratives comme l aubier de tilleul, la bardane, la menthe et le pissenlit qui aident a faire le grand detox dans l intestin. Le concentre detox Bio 200ml Fleurance Nature est utilise par voie orale pour faciliter les fonctions d elimination de toxines dans le sang et pendant la digestion. C est aussi un produit detox et de bien-etre qui procure un aspect eclatant de la peau. La bardane aide a l elimination de l eau. Il est employe comme un ensemble de complements alimentaire pour les personnes ne pratiquant pas d activites physiques regulieres, qui se sentent dans le besoin de nettoyer son organisme. La recette : 4 cuilleres a cafe diluees dans un verre d eau ou du jus de fruit selon sa preference. A boire tous les matins pendant le petit-dejeuner pendant un mois.