Experimente las maravillas icónicas de la Gran Barrera de Coral en la nueva exhibición del SEA LIFE Sídney. Situado en el arrecife, a medida que avanza la noche y el día, la vida en el arrecife es recreada para que los visitantes puedan experimentar cómo realmente es el arrecife durante las 24 horas del día. La nueva exhibición utiliza tecnología punta para brindar una experiencia interactiva totalmente única, además es la exhibición de la Gran Barrera de Coral más grande del mundo. Camine por playas bioluminiscentes, recorra el jardín de medusas y observe el fenómeno de lareproducción de los corales en el resplandeciente arrecife nocturno. A medida que sale el sol, recorra el corazón de un arrecife diurno lleno de colores para encontrarse con nuestras nuevas tortugas marinas. En un espectáculo interactivo, encuentre una tortuga anidando en una playa interior y ayude a guiar a las crías recién nacidas a salvo en el mar. En el camino conocerás tortugas marinas, tiburones de arrecife y peces sierra, así como más de 500 hermosas criaturas marinas y peces tropicales. Los visitantes también aprenderán sobre los cambios que podemos hacer para proteger la mayor maravilla natural de Australia.
Great weather, fantastic water slides and reasonably priced menus you can buy from the cafes & restaurants make this a great family outing. There is, literally, something for everyone and the dolphin exhibitions (12:00 & 16:00 h) will be sure to amaze both young and old alike. Professional photographers are on hand and capture some great photographs that are displayed near the exit. You are not under any obligation to buy the photographs but the quality is so good you may find it hard to refuse! This year the rings are free so no need to hire your own. From the top of the attractions you will be able to see for miles and if you wish to leave the park to perhaps sit on the beach, which is just across the road from the park, you can get a pass out for 30 minutes. This truly is a wonderful holiday experience. Adrenalin seekers will love: Black Hole, Kamikaze, Splash, Boomerang and Hurricane and for a small extra cost you can really surf the waves on Surf Waimea, a new attraction unique to Aquopolis. For $6 you can enjoy up to one hour on this fantastic attraction. In the months of July and August, parts of the park will be open with a chill out zone, drinks, snacks,mini golf and mini pedal cars and Surf Waimea available.
The exhibition, in association with EON Productions Ltd, has been the most successful in the history of the London Film Museum. Originally scheduled to close in March 2015, it features over 100 original artefacts spanning all 24 Bond films, including vehicles, miniatures, concept art and storyboards. Public demand for the exhibition was so consistently high that the London Film Museum management decided to keep it open indefinitely. London Film Museum Founder and CEO, Jonathan Sands said: “Bond in Motion far exceeded all our expectations and we’re delighted with the public’s reaction to it. It’s proved a huge hit with families, Bond lovers, movie fans and car nuts alike.
RED LOOP The official tour of the National Mall, authorized by the National Park Service and National Mall and Memorial Parks. Take in all the places that are synonymous with the nation’s Capital; The White House, U.S. Capitol, Air and Space Museum, Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, FDR Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial are just some of the iconic landmarks. Commentary provided in live guided commentary and in a choice of 8 pre-recorded languages. BLUE LOOP The Heroes tour travels to the sites and memorials honoring American heroes. Travel over the Potomac River leaving Washington, DC behind and visiting Virginia. The tour’s main features are Arlington National Cemetery, the Pentagon, the Pentagon City Fashion Center, and the US Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima Statue.) Other highlights include the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial, WWII Memorial and Air Force Memorial. Tour is available with live-guided commentary. YELLOW LOOP Travel through the city's historic center, passing the White House and Dupont Circle before heading out to discover Adams Morgan, the National Zoo, and the old world charm of Georgetown. Recorded commentary is available in your choice of 8 languages (French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese and English available). Commentary The multi lingual tours provide a personal commentary in a choice of eight languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin, Japanese and Portuguese
Aqua Vera cuenta con amplias zonas verdes donde podrás descansar bajo la agradable sombra de los pinos y zona de hamacas para estar al lado de las piscinas, tumbados bajo las sombrillas. Puedes disfrutar de tu propia comida, pero también disponemos de self service y bares (La Terraza y Splash) donde reponer fuerzas con pizzas, baguettes, chapatas, hamburguesa gourmet, crispy chicken, burritos, etc. y diferentes platos elaborados en nuestras instalaciones y degustarlos en las terrazas. Y un espacio nuevo y relajante, nuestro Chill & Gota, cerca de piscina Lago, música relajante, ambiente tranquilo y distendido, para degustar un mojito, batido, copa, granizado o lo que más te apetezca en ese momento. Tu seguridad es muy importante para nosotros. Por ello, nuestro personal y nuestro equipo de socorrismo están preparados para ayudarte en todo momento. Además contamos con un equipo de primeros auxilios, formado por un médico y un enfermero que permanecen disponibles en el parque durante todo el día y toda la temporada, así como un control sanitario del agua y de todas las instalaciones.
Charge across the desert outside Vegas in a dune buggy as part of Zero1's thrilling off-road adventure with discount tickets from Showtickets.com.