Create a London sightseeing schedule to suit you! This Hop-On Hop-Off open top bus tour includes 91 stops across London that you can jump off at and explore the city. On-board commentary gives you a few details about the attractions you can pass on the route - these include Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London and St Paul's Cathedral!
There are recreations of the past wooden, stone and medieval bridges, all of which include live characters in full regalia of the time. Join in the fun, have a laugh and learn some of London's gruesome history at the same time. Of course there are a few surprises along the way! It's a thrilling experience with marvellous real life characters guide you through the ages on the bridge. Get ready to be entertained and amazed at what you will see. Feel the ground shake as you march in Queen Boudicca’s army, discover the gruesome fate of Tudor traitors, sneak through the dark streets of Victorian London and follow in the footsteps of Jack the Ripper. Then travel through the Terror Time Tunnel to emerge in the present and if you're feeling brave you can choose to face your fears and descend into in the former plague pit; the London Tombs where a few more surprises will chill your bones. To enhance the visitor experience, the attraction has introduced Multilingual Audio Guides in 6 languages (English, Spanish, French, Polish, German & Italian) to cater for its growing number of international visitors. The London Bridge Experience is an interactive experience for all with live actors entertaining its visitors, and the addition of the multi-lingual audio guides mean all guests will leave having engaged in the 2000 years of the history at the world’s most famous, and most haunted bridge.
SKYSLIDE OUE Skyspace LA boasts a thrill experience unlike any other: Skyslide, an outdoor glass slide, positioned nearly 1,000 feet above downtown Los Angeles. The Skyslide is forty-five feet long, approximately 4 feet wide and made entirely with 1-1/4 inches thick glass. Visitors will experience Skyslide’s unparalleled views in a whole new way as they glide from the 70th to the 69th floor of the U.S. Bank Tower. *Additional Charge applies. OBSERVATION DECK OUE Skyspace LA is proudly home to California’s tallest open-air observation deck. Visitors will experience the California sunshine like never before, perched nearly 1,000 feet above downtown LA. Boasting an unmatched 2,800 square feet of outdoor space, there’s simply no better way to honor Los Angeles. INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGY The Digital Interactive Level will feature a variety of elements for our guests to enjoy our dynamic technology experience. The 360-degree Digital Topography Wall of Los Angeles will have information on landmarks, neighborhoods, and other points of interest. From the Infinity Mirror that creates reflections upon reflections, to the Silhouette Wall which uses pixels to create reflective images based on body movement, these exhibits specifically designed for OUE Skyspace LA make for a dynamic experience to be enjoyed again and again. Your Flex Admission Includes: Priority Entrance & Non-Timed Admission Flex Admission allows guests who have pre-selected a specific date the flexibility of non-timed admission. Skyslide Ride Access to all four 4 levels of Skyspace LA Two (2) Outdoor Observation Terraces Additional benefits include: Priority Entrance & Exit Access to purchase special Skyspace Public Events Exclusive Sponsor Offers
St Paul's Cathedral. A guided tour of Sir Christopher Wren's masterpiece and St Paul's Cathedral - crowned by the magnificent dome that is so much a part of the London skyline. The Cathedral was rebuilt after the Great Fire of London in 1666. In recent years it has seen the wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales, to Lady Diana Spencer and, most recently, the thanksgiving services for both the Golden Jubilee and 80th Birthday of Her Majesty the Queen. The Tower of London and Crown Jewels. Founded by William the Conqueror in 1066-7 and enlarged by successive sovereigns, the Tower of London is one of the is one of the world's most famous and spectacular fortresses. Over the past 1000 years it has been a Royal Palace, an armoury and a place of imprisonment and execution. The Yeoman Warders (Beefeaters) who guard the Tower will regale you with stories of its past. We will visit the Crown Jewels, including the magnificent solid-gold crown used at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, the enormous Cullinan diamonds and the extraordinary Koh-i-Noor. And finally.... River Thames cruise from the Tower of London. Sunday in London and due to church services St Paul's Cathedral is closed to visitors on Sunday. We will stop for photographs and spend longer in the Tower of London. Please arrive at least 15 Mins before your departure time. Tours Depart From:The Original Tour Visitors Centre, 17-19 Cockspur Street, Traflagar Square. * St Paul's Cathedral is closed to visitors
Wild Florida tiene una gran reputación en la seguridad de los tours en hidrodeslizador. Los buques son aprobados e inspeccionados anualmente por la Guaria Costera de los Estados Unidos. En cada hidrodeslizador hay chalecos salvavidas para todos los miembros del bote, extintores, una pistola de bengalas y un anillo salvavidas. En caso de accidente, hay un plan organizado de accidente. Disponible un informe de incidentes si es necesario. El muelle cumple la normativa ADA. Siempre hay una forma de comunicase con la base de operaciones y/o el 911 en cualquier lugar durante el tour. Seguridad en el Parque Gator and Wildlife: En caso de una mordedura de serpiente, hay un protocolo específico. Los animales tienen un seguimiento regulado por un veterinario. Hay un veterinario de guardia en todo momento. Hay un plan organizado para las emergencias. En el Parque Gator and Wildlife hay unos 200 animales en exhibición, incluyendo cebras, perezosos, lémures, linces y otras especies exóticas. Disponible sin cita previa la visita del aviario con patos, loros y otras aves de todo el mundo. Algunas de las exhibiciones que ofrecen el Parque Gator and Wildlife: Aviario de guacamayo y pavo real Exhibición de patos Entrada a la ciénaga de halcones Presentaciones de animales exóticos Plataforma de cocodrilos Exhibición de serpientes ¡y mucho más!
Die Kuppel der St. Paul's Cathedral ist aus der Skyline von London nicht wegzudenken. Nach dem der große Brand von London im Jahr 1666 den Vorgängerbau zerstörte, wurde die Kathedrale in den Jahren 1675 - 1710 nach den Plänen des berühmten Architekten Sir Christopher Wren gebaut. Sie war die erste Kathedrale, die zu Lebzeiten des Architekten fertiggestellt wurde. Seitdem werden in der St. Paul's Cathedral Ereignisse von nationaler und internationaler Bedeutung zelebriert. Königliche Hochzeiten, Thronjubiläen und Staatsbegräbnisse für britische Helden wie Winston Churchill fanden in den Gemäuern der Kathedrale statt. Sir Christopher Wrens architektonisches Meisterwerk wurde anlässlich des 300. Geburtstages der Kathedrale über 15 Jahre für 40 Millionen Pfund grundlegend renoviert. St Paul's Cathedral der bedeutenste sakrale Bau im Herzen von London und wird jedes Jahr von Millionen Menschen aus der ganzen Welt besucht. Besuchertickets können für Montag bis Samstag gebucht werden. Sonntags ist St. Pauls nur für Gottesdienste geöffnet. Die Standardtickets von 365-Tickets beinhalten einen Rabatt und werden einfach bei der Ankunft Eingang vorgezeigt. Kombinieren Sie Ihren Besuch der St Paul's Cathedral mit anderen attraktiven Zielen in London wie dem Kensington Palace oder einer Fahrt auf der Themse.