Category:Human Hair Capless Wigs; Gender:Women's; Top to Bottom:10-20 ; Wig Type:Party Wig,Natural Wigs; Note:The hair length in the picture is 20inch.; Occasion:Birthday,Valentine's Day,Vacation,Party / Evening,Daily Wear; Age Group:Adults; Wig Length Range:10-20 ; Color Shade:Natural; Density:200%; Origin of Hair Donors:Brazilian Hair; Hair Material:Human Hair; Cap Construction:Capless; Lace Material:Swiss Lace; Texture:Afro Curly,Curly; Length:20 inch; Brand:Luffy Hair; Features:curling,For Black Women,Women; Net Weight:0.3; Heat Resistant:Yes; Listing Date:02/19/2021; Cap Circumference:; Front to Back:; Nape of Neck:; Side to Side Across Forehead:; Side to Side Over Top:; Temple to Temple Across Back:; Hairstyle:With Bangs; Can Be Permed:No; SizeChart1_ID:1003:164935
Categoria:Acessório para Fantasia; Gênero:Mulheres; Do Topo Até Abaixo:26; Característica:Peruca Natural; Ocasião:Roupa Diária; Faixa Etária:Adulto; Cumprimento da Peruca:26; Tonalidade Principal:Cinzento Escuro; Material da Cabelo:Cabelo Sintético; Construção da Touca:Fabrico à Máquina; Textura:Liso; Comprimento:Curto; Características:Feminino; Peso Liquido:0.3; Resistente ao Calor:Sim; listagem Data:03/06/2019; o modo de produção:produção externa; Circunferência Cap:; Corte de cabelo:Com Franjas; Pode Receber Permanente:Não
Lace front wigs look more natural due to a natural hairline. It is made of a fine poly silk mesh base in which fibers are hand tied to this thin breathable fabric. It is placed at the front of the wig to look like natural hairline. It can be parted in any direction for maximum styling versatility.
Shampoing detoxifiant 200ml Acorelle est concu pour purifier et reequilibrer le cuir chevelu avant et apres une coloration vegetale. Son action repose sur un cocktail issu de la medecine ayurvedique.Il est elabore a base de shikakai, baies de Goji et dattes du desert, des principes actifs aux proprietes reconnues. Ce shampoing detoxifiant 200ml a ete formule par des coiffeurs-experts. Il optimise la coloration en liberant le cheveu de lexces de sebum et en fixant les pigments sur la fibre capillaire. Le cuir chevelu est revitalise, les cheveux sont hydrates et retrouvent legerete et brillance. Le shampoing detoxifiant 200ml degage un arome 100 % naturel de menthe et concombre qui procure un pur moment de relaxation sous la douche et laisse un doux parfum sur les cheveux. Acorelle est une marque francaise vegan et certifiee bio depuis ses debuts. Elle propose des produits agreables a utiliser a lefficacite prouvee et respectueux de lenvironnement.
Igora Royal ABSOLUTES with Pro-Age Complex with Siliamine and Collagen contains a long-chain care polymer with a velcro-like underbelly that adheres to the surface of the cuticle. The smooth top of the polymer creates a sleek, even surface for a perfect hair look and feel with maximum tone and shine.Igora Royal ABSOLUTES are all about reflecting and enhancing your client s unique look and personal style.Whether your client wishes to cover or blend white hair, balance salt and pepper, or brighten white hair, Igora Royal ABSOLUTES are designed to deliver perfect colour results and excellent hair quality for mature hair.
Features:Suitable for string beads and hair.Fashion, lightweight and convenient design.Easy to use.Can be used with micro beads, tubes.Will save a lot of time with this amazing tool.