UHU Luftentfeuchter airmax mobil, 100 g beugt Feuchtigkeitsschäden vor, kein Behälter notwendig, - 1 Stück (47140)
Silverline 2 Drawer Kontrax Filing Cabinet- Peppermint Green This Silverline cabinet is ideal for the offices, home offices, studies, retail and many more uses. A wide colour variety allows you to choose the option which best suits your personal needs, or to make an eye-catching addition to your interior. This cabinet accepts foolscap files, and has a capacity of 30kg per drawer. The anti-tiltmechanism prevents the cabinet from tipping when the top drawer is opened, and each drawer extends 100%. Two keys are supplied with this fully lockable cabinet. Please note: This is a made to order item and has a delivery time of 15-21 working days We are happy to provide colour samples if you are unsure. Please do not hesitate to ask, as this is a non-returnable item. (images are for information purposes only) The Kontrax cabinet comes fully assembled to assure the highest standard of durability drawer handles are light grey on all cabinets except the coffee and cream option
This Wall Paper Stripper is a highly concentrated solution of surfactants designed to help strip wallpaper quickly and easily. 500ml makes up to 4 gallons of solution. Works on most types of wallpapers. Pour approx. 1/4 of a bottle into 1 gallon (4.5 litres) of hot water. Stir well and work into wallpaper with a sponge. Scoring the wallpaper beforehand will help penetration. This is essential with washable wallpaper. Leaves for 5-15 minutes to take effect then remove paper with a scraper or steamer. If there are several layers of paper process may need to be repeated. Protect carpets and furniture and mop up any spills of liquid immediately.
Dieses Falschgeldprüfgerät prüft alle Euro-Noten in den vier Längsrichtungen. Dank der einfachen Handhabung entfallen aufwendige und kostspielige Schulungen. Bei Neuerscheinung von Banknoten kann das Gerät einfach über eine Micro SD-Karte upgedatet werden. Der NC 325 wird standardmässig für die Prüfung von Euro-Noten ausgeliefert. Gemischt-Notenzähler, einfache Bedienung Prüfgeschwindigkeit: = 1 Sekunde / Note Euro-Noten können in allen vier Längsrichtungen geprüft werden Ausgabe echter Noten wahlweise vorne oder hinten LCD-Anzeige, 3-stellig für die Anzahl der geprüften Noten und 4-stellig zur Anzeige des Wertes Wahlweise Anzeige der Gesamtsumme oder der Einzelwerte der geprüften Banknoten Updatefunktion über Micro SD-Karte Netzteil im Lieferumfang enthalten Optional erhältlich: Akku Prüft folgende Sicherheitsmerkmale: MG, IR, 2D, CS Abmessungen: 130 x 102 x 61 mm Gewicht: 320 kg Anschluss: 12V, 0,5A, Signale: optisch und akustisch Netzteil: Netzteil mit 100-240 V / 9,6W inklusive Hauptmerkmale
Features: Easy to be mounted on wall. With up to 15kg weight capacity. Made of high quality 304 stainless steel, anti-oxidation, corrosion resistance. Single hook for hanging coat, hat, scarf, etc. Apply for kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom, office room, and more.
Phoenix Cosmos HS9075E High Security Safe with Electronic and Key Locks This Phoenix safe is recommended for maximum security storage of cash and valuables in your home, office or business; up to £100,000.00 cash or £1,000,000.00 worth of valuables. The Cosmos safe provides fire protection for paper documents for up to 30 minutes, has been approved by the Association of Insurance Surveyors and boasts the UK Police Secured by Design specification. The HS9075E safe offers the highest standard of security with an electronic lock as well as a high quality key lock. This safe is supplied prepared for wall and floor fixing, as well as alarm or power cable installation. Suitable for storage of: 28 lever arch folders 18 foolscap lever arch folders 21 foolscap box files