Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show… with Mickey and Friends! At Disney Village® Mickey and his friends –Minnie, Goofy and Chip & Dale – invite guests to Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show! They will take the audience back to the time of the Old West to meet Buffalo Bill, Sitting Bull, Annie Oakley and the Rough Riders. Upon arrival, guests are greeted by Mickey and can take a souvenir photo from this memorable evening full of adventures and encounters. Before entering the arena, the audience can relax in a festive atmosphere alongside Sheriff Goofy and the musicians. Then prepare to relive the fantastic epic of the Far West! The exceptional participation of Mickey and his friends in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show whirls guests into a giant western hoedown! Free for children under 3 years. Individual seats not guaranteed for children under 3 years. Strollers are prohibited in the arena Bookings can be made up to 2 days before selected date of the show.
Sac sac de rangement TOMSHOO 10L / 20L extérieure résistant à l'eau Dry Sack avec étui de téléphone étanche pour voyager Rafting nautique Kayak Canoë-kayak Camping Snowboard
iFLY welcome flyers from 3 to 103. If you have reasonable health and fitness you can fly. But do check the criteria below before you purchase tickets. There are a few exceptions: Flyers must be over 3 years of age. Participants must weigh less than 300 pounds. Participants who weigh between 260 and 300 pounds must bring this to the attention of an iFLY representative as additional restrictions and instructor scheduling limitations may apply. Women who are pregnant should not fly. Folks with recent back, neck and heart problems should check with a doctor before flying. iFLY recommends people with prior shoulder dislocations DO NOT FLY! Click below for a complete list of restrictions: https://www.iflyworld.com/flight-restrictions-and-requirements/
Promigeflüster in der Hauptstadt! Nirgendwo macht Ihr so viele Selfies mit Euren Stars. Ein Rundgang durch die 2.500 m² große Ausstellung von Madame Tussauds Berlin führt durch verschiedene Themenbereiche wie Geschichte, Politik, Sport, Musik und Hollywood Hills. Zahlreiche interaktive Elemente, Schauspieler und kunstvoll gestaltete Kulissen machen den etwa zweistündigen Rundgang zu einem unterhaltsamen wie lehrreichen Erlebnis für die ganze Familie. Werde selbst Teil berühmter Filmszenen, feiere sportliche Fußballerfolge mit unseren Fußballstars, begegne historischen und kulturellen Persönlichkeiten der Extraklasse oder shoote mit Heidi Klum auf dem Catwalk. JETZT NEU: Erlebe mit dem neuen Dirty Dancing Bereich im Madame Tussauds Berlin „The Time of YOUR Life“! Werde selbst zum Dirty Dancing Star: Highlight des neuen interaktiven Sets ist das Video Filmset aus dem 80er Jahre Klassiker Dirty Dancing. In den berühmtesten Film-Szenen, „Ich habe eine Wassermelone getragen“ und den ersten Tanzübungen auf der Brücke, kannst du in die Rolle der schüchternen Baby schlüpfen und das Feeling des Tanzfilms spüren. Einzigartige Requisiten, Perücken und Kostüme intensivieren das Erlebnis. Einmal mit Jonny auf dem Baumstamm tanzen? Das geht nur bei uns, denn die Wachsfigur des Kultstars Patrick Swayze alias Johnny ist erstmals in Europa zu sehen. Das perfekte Foto, die berühmte Hebefigur - viele Highlights warten auf dich! Madame Tussauds wurde dank der unnachahmlich realwirkenden Wachsfiguren weltberühmt. Im Madame Tussauds Berlin faszinieren mehr als 120 nationale und internationale Prominente sowie die großen Legenden der Zeitgeschichte tagtäglich die Besucher aus aller Welt.
Titanic Belfast befindet sich auf Queen's Island, auf der auch weitere Sehenswürdigkeiten Thema Titanic zu finden sind. Die Audioguidetour durch die Ausstellung dauert ca. 1,5 - 2 Stunden. Die SS Nomadic Tour dauert etwas 30 Minuten. Das SS Nomadic Ticket ist am Tag Ihres Titanic Belfast Besuchs sowie am Folgetag gültig.
WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo Journey around Australia on an all-Aussie animal adventure at WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo. Get up close to koalas, walk amongst kangaroos and wallabies and come eye-to-eye with Rex - one of the world’s biggest crocodiles! With a host of other unique and legendary animals, including the wombat, cassowary, and many more, WILD LIFE Sydney is THE Australian animal adventure, all conveniently located in the heart of Sydney city’s beautiful Darling Harbour. SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium houses the world’s largest collection of all-Australian aquatic life, and takes you on a journey through 14 newly-themed areas including Tropical Bay of Rays, Discovery Rockpool, Mangrove Swamps, South Coast Shipwreck, a new ocean tunnel walk-through, Shark Valley and Shark Walk, where you can face your fear, walking over huge sharks! Along the way you'll also encounter some of the world's most incredible animals, including two of only five dugongs on display anywhere in the world, massive stingrays, majestic turtles, jellyfish, platypuses, penguins, thousands of tropical fish and much, much more. Sydney Tower Eye Get a bird’s eye view of the spectacular Sydney City from the tallest building in Sydney! Standing at 250m tall, the Sydney Tower Eye offers stunning, uninterrupted panoramic 360 degree views of Sydney and its famous landmarks. Included in admission, the new 4D Experience is a groundbreaking 3D film with spectacular in-theatre effects and a breathtaking fourth dimension that gives an amazing view of the city. Madame Tussauds Sydney The world famous Madame Tussauds attraction has come to Sydney – and it is the first fully interactive Madame Tussauds in the world! Experience the glittering world of fame for a day at Madame Tussauds Sydney by starting your journey on the red carpet and strike a pose before you arrive at the biggest celebrity party ever staged. So, who do you want to meet? With over 70 life like figures, and interactivity at every turn, from world leaders, to sports heroes, musical stars and Hollywood’s hottest plus much more. Nicks Bar & Grill A fabulous dining experience right on the water at Cockle Bay. Enjoy lunch or dinner at Nick's Seafood Restaurant, including one main and one entree, or a main and a dessert! Captain Cook Cruise Flexible hop on & off 24 hour ferry ticket between - Darling Harbour - Circular Quay - Taronga Zoo - Watsons Bay - Luna Park - Manly - Fort Denison - Shark Island Includes Live Guided Commentary