BODY WORLDS London & Photobook- combo offer Entry to BODY WORLDS London on your chosen visit date. FREE Photobook Instant voucher delivery BODY WORLDS London Ticket Includes: Entry to BODY WORLDS London on your chosen visit date FREE audio guide (in English) Flexible entry: exchange for the next available time-slot anytime on your chosen visit date Instant voucher delivery: print your voucher and exchange at the attraction BODY WORLDS London Highlights: Be amazed by the beauty of the human body beneath the skin Discover a wide range of insights about the effects our choices and our minds can have on our health Be astounded by over 200 real anatomical specimens, displayed in 6 galleries across on 3 floors and over 20,000 sq ft. BODY WORLDS London prides itself on health education, and the attraction is suitable to guests of all ages Enhance your visit by using the complimentary audio guide Practical Information: Please ensure you PRINT your voucher. It is a flexi-ticket, valid for the next available time-slot Last admission is 90 minutes before closing time No photography is permitted (due to the Human Tissue Act) No bags are allowed in the exhibition, except for small hand bags of 30cm x 30cm or less. On site locker facilities are available if required. Please be aware there is a charge for this facility. FREE Photobook Make your trip to London extra special! We're offering you a FREE personalised Facebook Hardcover Photo Book when you order Body Worlds London tickets! This Square Softcover Photo Book is perfectly bound with a gloss-finish cover it really stands out from the crowd. It's the ideal size to leave out on the coffee table or in the bookshelf. Dimensions: 17cm x 17cm Photos: Minimum of 26 photos Price per extra page: £0.95 Style: Perfect bound gloss-finish hardcover Paper: 200gsm gloss paper Page Layout: 1 per page A link to the photobook is provided on the confirmation page of your booking.
Aspectos destacados Siéntese y relájese mientras su crucero sale de Milford Sound Wharf, en el icónico Miter Peak. Navegue a lo largo del fiordo de 16 km, pasando el faro de St. Annes Point, mientras escucha los comentarios informativos que destacarán los puntos de interés a lo largo del camino, como las imponentes cataratas Lady Bowen, Lion Mountain, Copper Point, Seal Rock y Stirling Falls. Ya sea que elija mantenerse caliente con un té/café de cortesía sentado dentro de nuestro salón o desee salir y respirar el aire alpino, seguro que se sentirá inspirado por la majestuosidad de la región. Los cruceros tienen un número limitado de pasajeros, lo que lo recompensa con una experiencia íntima de Milford Sound al tiempo que permite oportunidades de fotografías sin obstáculos desde las cubiertas al aire libre. La entrada incluye Crucero de dos horas, con paradas frecuentes en espectaculares puntos de interés. Té y café gratuitos a bordo. Comentario interactivo e informativo. Capacidad máxima de 75 personas, lo que le brinda suficiente espacio para disfrutar de las vistas. Que llevar Chaqueta impermeable Crema solar Ropa de abrigo Repelente de insectos Tenga en cuenta: Una vez procesados, no se permiten cancelaciones ni correcciones de estos vales. Asegúrese de seleccionar la fecha y la hora correctas antes de reservar.
Disfrute de barra libre durante todo el crucero: cerveza, sangría, cava y refresco Apto para todas las edades.
Mallette de Camping pliable sac de rangement de voyage Portable ustensiles de cuisine sac de transport pour randonnée pêche sur glace randonnée
This tour is not recommended for those having mobility issues. Skywalk not included in tour price. Tickets can be purchased on site for $32.05. Please call them for special requirements such as a car seat. Nevada law requires children to be properly secured in a car seat until they are at least 6 years old and 60lbs. No children under 2 will be permitted on tour. TOUR INCLUDES Personally guided and narrated tour All fees included lunch provided on the tour Small group experience Complimentary hotel pick-up and drop-off
Willkommen im SEA LIFE München, dem Aquarium mit Deutschlands größter Hai-Vielfalt. Im SEA LIFE München treffen Sie über 20 verschiedene Hai-Arten, unter ihnen Schwarspitzenriffhaie, Zebrahai Pünktchen und Ammenhaidame Bonnie. NEU 2017: Der Themenbereich Oktopus Höhle Kraken haben erstaunliche körperliche und geistige Fähigkeiten und passen sich farblich ihrer Umgebung an. Ob die Besucher den Oktopus sofort erkennen? Legt man seine Handfläche gegen die Glasscheibe erwidert der Krake die Geste mit etwas Glück. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Kinder unter 15 J. von einem Erwachsenen begleitet werden müssen.