Transform your favorite VIE Vaporizer from a dry vape into a concentrate vape with the VIE Vaporizer Concentrate Capsules. These lovely pods offer a super tight seal and encapsulate your favorite concentrates. Simply fill with your favorite legal smoking concentrates and insert into your VIE Vaporizer! Each order includes 16 refillable concentrate capsules per pack. These capsules are compatibale with the VIE Vaporizer .
Formula 420 is specially designed for cleaning your pyrex, glass, metal, and ceramic smoking accessories. This non-toxic and biodegradable formula cleans and removes odor within seconds! Never stress about unwanted odor or staining- this special cleaning formula is super easy to use. Simply soak your desired accessory in the proper amounts of formula and water, soak for one minute, and rinse! Its never been easier for you (or your butler) to keep your smoking accessories clean! Worried about smells in the air? The Butler highly recommends Formula 420 Smog Out to keep things pleasant and inconspicuous.
This classy and elegant Straight Water Pipe with Tree Perc stands 11" tall and features an 8-arm tree perc. The smoke is pulled to the top of the "tree" and then filters though the 8 individual "arms" for the smoothest draw possible. The ultra filtrated draws from this lovely piece will feel even cooler when you add ice on top of the stacked triple ice pinch. This commanding glass piece makes the perfect accessory for any smoking connoisseur. This glass piece has a 18mm Female joint that will fit 18mm Male accessories and replacements.
Das schöne Freundebuch kleines Pony mit niedlichem Tier-Motiv ist eine wunderbare Erinnerung an die Kinder- und Jugendzeit. Auf 60 vorgedruckten Seiten können sich alle Freundinnen und Freunde mit ihrem Alter, ihrer Größe, ihren Hobbies, Lieblingsfarben etc. verewigen - so wird das Freundschaftsalbum später zu einem ganz besonderen Nachschlagewerk für vergangene Zeiten, an dem man auch im hohen Alter noch viel Freude haben wird. Der wunderschöne Motivdruck des Freundebuchs kleines Pony lässt die Herzen von Pferdefans höher schlagen und macht das Freundebuch zum idealen Begleiter durch die Schulzeit oder den Kindergarten. Einband mit laminiertem Motivdruck kleines Pony zur Erinnerung an die Kinder- und Jugendfreunde ideal als Geschenk zum Geburtstag, zur Einschulung oder für den Kindergarten Hauptmerkmale Funktionen Produktfarbe Grün, Weiß Menge pro Packung 6 Stück(e) Gewicht & Abmessungen Breite 150 mm Höhe 220 mm Dicke 1 cm
Transcend to the next level with these top notch UFO carb caps by Hippie Butler. Keep your smoke sessions out-of-this-world when you use these elegant and refined glass caps. Each carb cap is beautifully designed to be a perfect accent piece to any of your rigs! Because this cap has a carb you can better control air flow and how much smoke you get in each hit. Each order comes with your choice of one green, yellow, white, blue, clear, or black carb cap. Pairs perfectly with our XL Banger for all your concentrate needs.