Endure the wind and toil when you purchase a Hippie Butler Ignitus Jet Lighter! These lighters come equipped with a flashlight and are the perfect accessory. Each refillable lighter comes in an assortment of colors and offers a strong, lasting flame that is windproof, ensuring the perfect light each time. So flaunt your love of the Butler with these stylish lighters!
Das Urban Mix Movebook ist dank des widerstandsfähigen, flexiblen Polypropylendeckels und den Gummizugverschluss der perfekte Begleiter für unterwegs. Die Kunststoffhülle vorne im Movebook eignet sich hervorragend für den Transport loser Dokumente und sicheres Verwahren von Visitenkarten dank Visitenkartenfach. Oxfords exklusives glattes und extra weißes 90 g/m² OPTIK PAPERermöglicht Ihnen beidseitiges Schreiben, ohne das die Schrift durchscheint. A4+ Movebook, 7 mm liniert mit Rand, 80 perforierte und 4-fach gelochte Blätter Extra-weißes und seidenglattes, 90g/m² OPTIK PAPERermöglicht das Schreiben auf beiden Seiten eines Blattes ohne das die Tinte auf der Rückseite durchscheint Spezielle Lineatur mit Kopfzeile für Meetingtitel, Thema und Datum und Rand, um Stichpunkte zu numerieren oder hervorzuheben Die stabile, mit schwarzem Kunststoff überzogene, Doppelspirale sorgt für Langlebigkeit, während das Movebook flach aufliegen oder vollständig umgeklappt werden kann - für maximalen Komfort
STAEDTLER Fineliner triplus permanent, 4er Etui Strichstärke: 0,3 mm, dreieckig, wasserfest, sortiert in - 1 Stück (331 SB4)
This artsy translucent cake tray from Skunk features a bright, tasty graphic. These hip trays feature various cone holders and compartments to help keep your rolling station and legal herb, better organized. Each Skunk Cake Tray also has a slide-out mini tray so your rolling experience is elevated to the next level. So go ahead and show off your rolling prowess and be the envy of your circle with this new Skunk Cake Tray. Choose between the delicious Lemon Cake or the scrumptious Cherry Pie style tray. We also suggest grabbing some Skunk Hemp Wraps or if you prefer, some Skunk Hemp Papers to practice rolling on your new tray.
Each Roor piece is hand blown and signed by the artist making their glass one of a kind. Known for unmatched durability and exclusive colors, ROOR is brand you know you can trust. These 14" tall beakers showcase an ice pinch, a wall thickness of 5mm and a 45mm base with your choice of bake-on color. These glass pieces are handmade to order, please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.
The Dipwhip is an attachment for your Dipper Vaporizer, by Dipstick Vapes. Simply take one end of the hose and attach it to your Dipper Vaporizer and your glass piece then vape like normal! It gives you all the filtration of smoking through your glass, with all the ease of using your vaporizer pen. Available in three standard glass attachment sizes. Need the female attachment? We gotcha covered, check out the Dipstick Dipwhip Female .