¿Cómo funcionan los viajes compartidos? Si usted se va a ir del Aeropuerto Laguardia: diríjase al mostrador de traslados de su terminal y presente el comprobante de Go Airlink NYC que ha impreso anteriormente. También tiene teléfonos gratuitos en la cinta de recogida de maletas de cada terminal. El conductor recoge a los pasajeros según las terminales. Debe saber que si usted esta en la primera terminal donde va a parar el conductor, va a poder escoger el asiento del vehiculo pero va a tardar un poco más de tiempo en ir a otras terminales recogiendo a otros pasajeros antes de irse. Después de que todos los pasajeros hayan sido recogidos de sus respectivas terminales, el conductor va a dejarles en su destino, primero en las destinaciones más cercanas y después en las más lejanas. Si su destinación es la que está más lejos, tendrá que esperar a que los otros clientes sean dejados en sus respectivas localizaciones antes de llegar a la suya. Por favor, recuerde que el viaje llevará su tiempo. Por favor, tenga en cuenta el tráfico cuando haga su reserva. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que no podemos controlar el tráfico, ni retraso en vuelos, ni circunstancias imprevistas que puedan alargar el tiempo de viaje. Los viajes compartidos de Go Airlink NYC del Aeropuerto de Laguardia trasladan: Hasta 11 pasajeros Viajes compartidos con otras personas, permite conocer gente nueva Son respetuosos con el medio ambiente, contaminan menos Es económico, ¡ahorra dinero! Servicio puerta a puerta Servicio de transporte 24horas/7días a la semana Equipaje permitido: 1 maleta por persona y 1 bolsa de mano por persona.
La experiencia tendrá una duración total de aproximadamente 1 hora. Incluye: Check-in Instrucción de seguridad Vuelo de unos 15 - 17 minutos en helicóptero El Customer Experience Center incluye: History exhibit de Chicago Flight simulator Sala con vistas al helipuerto Juegos interactivos Tentempié y refrigerios para comparar El Chicago Helicopter Experience opera con una flota de helicópteros Airbus AStar. La aeronave tiene capacidad para 6 pasajeros a parte del piloto, además de estar equipada con clima. Con esta experiencia disfrutará de unas claras vistas sentado en unos asientos amplios mientras escucha la narración del piloto a través de los auriculares de cancelación de ruido. Todos los tours salen y regresan desde/a: Chicago Helicopter Experience, 2420 South Halsted Street. Aparcamiento gratuito delante del Customer Experience Center. Hay disponible la recogida en hoteles del centro de Chicago por un coste adicional. Términos del Ticket: Peso máximo por pasajero de 113kg. Niños a partir de 3 años. Check-in 30 minutos antes del horario de salida del tour. Los pasajeros que se encuentren bajo los efectos de drogas o alcoholno se les permitirá realizar el tour – no se les devolverá el dinero. Los horarios de los vuelos son orientativos y susceptibles a las condiciones climáticas. En el caso que su vuelo se cancele por las inclemencias del clima, su ticket podrá ser reprogramado o reembolsado por el importe total.
Come and discover the world of perfume!
Learn about the secrets behind the making of perfumes during a fantastic olfactive and unique experience focussed on the composition and personalisation on an Eau de Cologne (100ml)
Compose your own fragrance depending on your own taste, combining different notes from citrus family, orange blossom and aromatic notes.
This workshop is led by a teacher for a duration of one hour and a half, it is followed by the guided tour of the location (30 minutes)
The different steps of your workshop :
Take home your own Goodie Package :
History of perfumery and raw materials
Essences used by the nose during the workshop
Discover the olfactive pyramid : head, heart and base notes
Sensory and olfactory memory development
Your own composition of an Eau de Cologne
An organdie pouch for the bottle
The « Fragonard Apprentice » designed apron
Your diploma signed by the teacher and the summary of your composition
JORVIK Viking Centre Take hold of the past and explore the excavations which first unearthed the Viking-age city in our brand new exhibitions. As you travel around Viking-Age Jorvik aboard our state of the art ride experience - which now includes commentary in sixteen languages, from all major Scandinavian dialects to Mandarin Chinese – you will encounter Old Norse speaking citizens on the streets of the city and in their homes. Discover the Arabic trader bringing his wares to trade, and the Viking storyteller recounting the apocalyptic Ragnarok myth. At the end of an unforgettable journey, visitors disembark to the JORVIK galleries where they can see some of the fascinating Viking artefacts. Cutting edge displays help you to investigate all of the information gathered from the 5-year-long dig at Coppergate and piece together the jigsaw of where the Vikings came from, why they came here, how they lived and died, and where they travelled to. At JORVIK Viking Centre you are standing on the site of one of the most famous and astounding discoveries of modern archaeology. Between the years 1976-81, archaeologists from York Archaeological Trust revealed the houses, workshops and backyards of the Viking-Age city of Jorvik, as it stood 1,000 years ago. Ticket Details Please Note: JORVIK tickets purchased through this channel do not entitle the holder to jump the queue – you must join the queue as normal and will be able to exchange your 365 Vouchers for tickets at the admissions desk. Vouchers must be printed off before visiting JORVIK, entry won't be granted without your 365tickets Voucher. York Dungeon The York Dungeon invites you to a unique feast of fun with history’s horrible bits. Live actors, shows and special effects transport you back to those black, bleak times. Are you brave enough to delve into the darkest chapters of history? Herded into the forest by murderous Vikings, don’t look back as they obliterate everything and everyone in their path. Will you escape the most brutal fighters in York’s history…..??? Travel to the dark depths of the dungeons of York Prison, where murderer, thief and torturer Dick Turpin the infamous highwayman waits for his death at the gallows. In the most haunted city in England, come and experience the presence of ghosts which will chill your very bones as you stand in the silent yet chilling air. It’s the 16th century and the terrible plague has struck York again. Thousands are dying, appallingly disfigured and in unspeakable agony. Will you escape the deadly disease? Our 17th century judge knows exactly what you have been up to….and you could be left to languish in the rat infested dungeon for it…or be given a gruesomely fun task to perform… but who knows who the judge will on? The York Dungeon brings York’s horrible history to life with 11 live shows, actors and special effects. Torture Chamber York’s torturer always finds a way to get you talking, whether with the hook, the castrator, the jaw breaker, or the creeping agony of the rack. Maybe he’ll loosen your tongue the hard way, with the tongue-tearer! The Great Plague It’s the 16th century and the terrible plague has struck York again. Thousands are dying, appallingly disfigured and in unspeakable agony. Will you escape the deadly disease or run out screaming? Labyrinth of the Lost Who dares enter the Labyrinth of the Lost? Here lies the ancient Roman fortress of Emperor Constantine, buried beneath York Minster. Every treacherous turn takes you closer to the grim ghosts of a Lost Roman Legion. Judgement of Sinners It is the middle of the 18th Century and England’s justice system is harsh, unpredictable and frequently lethal. Some 220 offences are punishable by death. Pray the judge has pity on your soul. Your sentencing and fate await you! Witches: Burned Alive The witch hunt is on! Hear the screams and feel the heat as the accused are burnt alive before your eyes. Will you escape the persecution or will you meet your end at the stake? Bloody Viking A shattered monastery lies around you, ransacked and despoiled. Even this house of God isn’t safe from the violent greed of Eric Bloodaxe and his heathen warriors. In fact, what’s that noise outside..? You run into the forest, murderous Vikings on your tail, obliterating everything and everyone in their path. Don’t look back! Run! Will you escape the most brutal fighters in York’s history? Guy Fawkes Remember, remember the 5th of November; gunpowder, treason and plot! Follow the explosive story of Guy Fawkes as he and his treasonous accomplices plot the downfall of the English King and Parliament in the most spectacular way possible: a massive, underground explosion that will destroy them and the symbol of their rule! But the plot is foiled, and Guy Fawkes is arrested. He has sworn not to give up the names of his co-conspirators, but let’s see if a little brutal torture can loosen his tongue… Ghosts of York A creepy whistle rides on the cold air. A feeling of resentment and anger surrounds you. Your senses tell you that you are not alone. Through the dark silence comes a haunting wail… and then suddenly a pale figure appears before you, a vengeful, ghostly presence that leaves you paralysed by fear! Will you hold your nerve in the depths of the most haunted city in England? Or will you run for your life?! Dick Turpin Travel to the dark depths of York Prison where murderer, thief, and infamous highwayman Dick Turpin awaits his death at the gallows. After years of stealing livestock, robbing stage-coaches and murdering those who came after him, he’s about to meet his well-deserved fate at the end of a rope! But suddenly you enter your worst nightmare: a pitch-dark cell, a waiting hangman and Turpin… who wants his revenge in blood! Warning: The York Dungeon is not recommended for those of a nervous disposition or young children. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Come and meet the fascinating lifelike wax figures in an interactive attraction, impressive sets and costumes. Nowhere else you will get so many selfies with your stars. A tour through the 2.500 square meters of the exhibition shows you different themed areas like history, politics, sports, music and Hollywood Hills. Numerous interactive elements, actors and impressive sets makes ithis tour educative and entertaining. The lifelike wax figures made Madame Tussauds world famous. At Madame Tussauds, more than 120 national and interantional celebrities and the big legends of contemporary history attract thousands of visitor every day. Please note, that children under 15 years must be accompanied by an adult.
Viaje en limusina compartido. El horario de recogida se confirma con al menos 24 horas de antelación. El desayuno consiste en un buffet en el hermoso Contemporary Resort. Los favoritos del desayuno: huevos revueltos, claras de huevo revueltas, huevos benedict, panqueques, gofres de Mickey, salmón ahumado, bacón, cacerola “hash Brown”, salchichas, harina de avena, sémola y tostadas francesas. Los clientes pueden regresar a su hotel, al Universal Orlando o al Sea World. Se puede usar el trasporte de Walt Disney desde Contemporary Resort para llegar a Walt Dinsey World. El transporte en limusina ofrece la comodidad del servicio puerta a puerta. Todos los trasportes en limusina son COMPARTIDOS, con al menos 24 horas de antelación recibirán los horarios de recogida a los hoteles. Además, pedimos que con 72 horas de antelación se pongan en contacto con nosotros para verificar los detalles de su alojamiento (dirección completa, número de contacto, código de puerta, etc.). Para que el servicio en limusina sea eficiente puede ser que se pida al cliente dirigirse a una localización más central, diferente a la de su hotel, en caso que este se encuentre muy alejado del área turística estándar de Orlando.