PKU Anamix Junior LQ 36x125mlA phenylalanine-free drink containing a balanced mix of the other essential and non-essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fat (including docosahexanoic acid (DHA)), vitamins, minerals and trace elements. For the dietary management of children with phenylketonuria aged 1-10years (3-10years in some countries).
The recommended intake of PKU Anamix Junior LQ should be determined by a clinician or dietitian only, and is dependent on age, bodyweight, and medical condition of the patient.
Available as orange or berry flavoured.
Concentre detox Bio 200ml Fleurance Nature Le concentre detox Bio 200ml Fleurance Nature est un ensemble de complements alimentaire qui nettoie, purifie et detoxifie l organisme. Il est compose uniquement de plantes depuratives comme l aubier de tilleul, la bardane, la menthe et le pissenlit qui aident a faire le grand detox dans l intestin. Le concentre detox Bio 200ml Fleurance Nature est utilise par voie orale pour faciliter les fonctions d elimination de toxines dans le sang et pendant la digestion. C est aussi un produit detox et de bien-etre qui procure un aspect eclatant de la peau. La bardane aide a l elimination de l eau. Il est employe comme un ensemble de complements alimentaire pour les personnes ne pratiquant pas d activites physiques regulieres, qui se sentent dans le besoin de nettoyer son organisme. La recette : 4 cuilleres a cafe diluees dans un verre d eau ou du jus de fruit selon sa preference. A boire tous les matins pendant le petit-dejeuner pendant un mois.
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Der Waist Trainer beschert Ihnen eine definierte Taille und reduziert den Bauchumfang effektiv. Der Waist Trainer hat bereits vielen Frauen geholfen.
EnergivitSuitable for use from birth through to children requiring additional energy, vitamins, minerals and trace elements or who are following a restricted protein diet. Energivit can be used in conjunction with specific amino acid mixtures to provide a formula individually tailored to meet the patient's specific needs. It can also be used as a convenient protein free feed in the short term, for example as an emergency regimen. Energivit must be supplemented with a suitable nitrogen source if intended for use as a sole source of nutrition.Use under medical supervision. Not suitable for use as a sole source of nutrition. Not for parenteral use.
Quantity:1; Material:Other; Function:Anti-wrinkle; Compatibility:Nursing; Makeup Category:Concealer Base; Form:Others; Makeup Style:Daily Makeup; Features:Alcohol Free,Smooth Sticker; Listing Date:05/16/2019; Production mode:External produce