This Teng Tools socket is a professional 3/4 inch drive, metric hexagon socket. The socket is manufactured from chrome vanadium steel for strength and durability and has an attractive satin finish. The socket is produced in accordance with ISO 9000 and AS954 specifications for increased torque and reduced risk of rounding fasteners.The TENM340524 Hex 3/4 inch drive socket has the following specifications:Size: 24mm. Length: 51mm.
Du rivage méditerranéen, en passant par les Préalpes d?Azur, le Parc national du Mercantour, jusqu?aux vallées piémontaises et Alpes ligures, voici plus de 110 randonnées, à pied et à VTT, de tous niveaux, pour découvrir les différentes facettes de...
2 x Übernachtung , 2 x Bier-Probe, 2 x Frühstück , 2 x NWD Haxe, 2 x Weisswurst Frühschoppen
The Ragni Professional London pattern R111 pointing trowel with hold-fast, non-slip comfort grip and ergonomic handle for day long comfort. Hardened edges for longer life, well balanced and easy to use. 3-year guarantee.
Listing Date:03/08/2023