Die Makari De Suisse Exclusive Aufhellungsseife mit Peelingeffekt hellt dunkle Stellen und Pigmentflecken auf der haut auf. Zudem pflegt sie die Haut und spendet Feuchtigkeit.
Mild cleansing and care for increased suppleness A mild and gentle exfoliating cleanser suitable for all skin types. This simple formulation gently lifts dirt and transports it to the skin's surface without removing natural oils or affecting the skin's natural balance. Botanical powders and oatmeal add refining and nourishing properties. Application: Place a teaspoon of the powder into the palm of your hand or small bowl. Add enough warm water to make a paste. Apply all over face and neck rubbing gently with fingertips in small circles, concentrating on troubled areas. For best results leave for 5-10 minutes (try and relax for best results). Rinse off gently using a warm water or soft face cloth. Pat face dry. The skin may feel a little tight for up to 20 minutes. This is normal. If you can resist the temptation to apply a moisturiser at this point after about 20 minutes the skin's own sebum glands will kick in and your skin will begin to feel and look amazing. Active Ingredients: Fine oatmeal, chamomile flowers, calendula petals, lavender flower tops, lemon balm. Fragrance: Mild, creamy, herbal notes Texture: Coarse yet soft powder Skin feel: Deeply cleansed, silky, smooth White Witch cosmetics are 100% plastic- and BPA-free. The packaging is made from upcycled and recycled glass and sealed with a corkscrew. The lid is biodegradable whereas the glass container can be reused. Ingredients: Fine Oatmeal (Avena Sativa), Chamomile Flowers (Anthemis Nobilis), Marigold Petals (Calendula Officinalis), Lavender Flower Tops (Lavandula Angustifolia ), Lemon Balm (Melissa Officinalis)
Mediterranean formula with triple action against blood cholesterol and triglycerides Produced naturally from olive trees ( Olea Europaea ). Exceptional content in oleuropein (125mg standardised to 32%). Clinically-proven effects. Helps lower levels of LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides. Combats lipid peroxidation in blood vessels.
Reduisez vos poches sous les yeux en seulement quelques semaines avec EyeTuck. concu par les laboratoires Skin Doctors. Action Hydratante et apaisante. - 3 Cremes
Das Trioxidil-System fur Frauen ist ein reisefreundliches 3-teiliges Set, das entwickelt wurde, um dunner werdendes Haar zu unterstutzen. Das Produkt wurde speziell fur die Bedurfnisse von Frauen entwickelt und verwendet sorgfaltig ausgewahlte klinisch geprufte bioaktive Inhaltsstoffe in Foligains e
Take your skincare to the next level with the Collagen Shot, the first of it’s kind liquid beauty supplement that uses 5000mg of VERISOL®, the only current source of Collagen Hydrolysate clinically proven to restore & repair collagen levels. Also includes vitamins, minerals & delicious fruit juices!
Pendant la periode des examens, il peut etre complique de garder une clarte d esprit et donc de reunir toutes les capacites demandees au moment ou il vous l est demande. CeSpray Compose Floral Bio Etudes et Examens N 8 laboratoire Devaest excellent pour developper votre creativite et garder l esprit clair. Etudiants, collegiens et lyceens, ce spray repondra a tous vos besoins pour vous aider a rester concentrer a tous les niveaux. Vous pourrez acquerir de nouvellescompetences de synthese et ameliorer vos capacites a l oral mais aussi a l ecrit. Ce complement alimentaire est la solution parfaite pour vous aider dans vos recherches mais il sera egalement l assistant des enseignants et de toutes les personnes qui ont besoin de rester concentrees, coherentes et claires dans leur travail. Ingredients : Base Alcool : Eau de source, cognac, macerations solaires (0,5 %) de : Citronnier (Citrus limonum), de Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus), d Iris (Iris sp.