The Facom 249.G sheathed drift punches are tough and durable. With very high tensile strength, these punches feature a head hardened to 43 HRc and a long shank hardened to 58 HRc. The handles are ergonomically shaped for comfort and shock absorption. Ideal as an aid in aligning bolt or rivet holes prior to inserting a fastener.The FCM249G3 Sheathed Punch has the following specifications:Point diameter: 2.95mm.Length: 150mm.
Deko-Ei aus Holz zum Aufstellen, Design 3, ca. 30 cm hoch , ca. 23,3 cm breit, mit einer eiförmigen Aussparung (ca. 10,6 cm hoch und 7,7 cm breit) und Podest (ca. 12,5 cm lang) ca.6,5 cm unter der Aussparung. Ideal zum Bemalen mit Acryl Farben "Royal Flash" und Verzieren mit Strassstein-Bordüren, Stickern und vielem mehr.
Herramienta de torneado de madera de torno de acero de aleación Herramienta de corte de carburo Llave Herramientas de vástago cuadrado con mango de madera Herramienta de carpintería
The Knipex TwinKey® Service Cabinet Key for the actuation of locking systems from the areas of facilities engineering (heating and sanitation, air conditioning, electro technology), gas and water supply and shut-off-systems. Consists of two 4-way spider keys connected using magnets providing space saving storage. It has the following functions: 4 x Square: 5, 6-7, 8-9 & 10-11mm.3 x Triangular: 7-8, 9-10 & 11-12mm.1 x Two-Way: 3-5mm.1 x Half-moon: 6mm.1 x Long Execution Conical Square: 6, 7, 8 & 9mm.1 x Double Ended Bit (Slotted 1.0x7mm and PH2).
Zenith Sisal mop for use with polishing compounds, e.g. grey GBF/264 compound.Zenith sisal mop for use with polishing compounds, e.g. grey GBF/264 compound. Size: 4in x 2 section.
WASHINGTON L?ESSENTIEL Spécialistes interviewés : Andre « White Boy » Johnson, leader du groupe Rare Essence (culture) Amanda McClements, Salt & Sundry (boutiques) Cédric Maupillier, chef Mintwood Place (sorties) Rob Young, ornithologue amateur,...