Innokin Proton Kit with Scion II Tank 235W is totally an innovative product from Innokin, which includes the Proton Mod and the Scion II Tank.It adopts a brand new 235W chipset to play high performance, and the large side fire panel and first-of-its-kind joystick-style selector ensure convenient operation. While the SCION II Tank offers you a brand new coil option, the Mesh coil. This new structure features a KAL panel with holes, thus it's more durable and stable. Brand New 235W Chipset Large Side Fire Panel Unique Joystick-style Selector 1.45-inch TFT Color Screen Display TC Range at 200'F-600'F / 100'C-315'C Houses 2 x 18650 Battery (sold separately) Easy Push Top-Fill Innovative Plexus Mesh Coil Stable Great Flavor & Stronger Throat Hit 3.5ml Capacity (5.0ml with Replacement Glass Tube) Adjustable Bottom Airflow Control Dual Circuit Protection Reverse Polarity Protection Low Resistance Protection 510 threading connection Firmware Upgradeable Brand Model Innokin Proton Wattage Range 6¨C235W Voltage Range 0¨C9V TC Modes Nickel 200 / Titanium / SS 316 / TCR Max Output Current 40A Tank Capacity 3.5ml/5ml Atomizer Resistance Range 0.05¨C3.5ohm
Leuchtendes Gelb mit grünlichen Reflexen, Duft nach frischen grünen Äpfeln, feinperlend. Passt zu: Canapees, Lachsmousse.
Dieser reinsortige Susumaniello, typische Rebsorte Apuliens, vereint im Bukett Noten von roten Früchten, schwarzen Johannisbeeren sowie feine Untertöne von schwarzem Pfeffer und Koriander. Am Gaumen ist dieser Rotwein aus Italien zu Beginn leicht...
Dieser wunderbar leichte Pinot Noir (Spätburgunder) aus dem Elsass duftet nach Kirschen, Himbeeren und schwarzen Johannisbeeren. Am Gaumen ist dieser hell kirschrote Wein frisch und fruchtig, mit sanften Tanninen und typischen Rosé-Noten.Der Bestheim...
Infusion plaisir Gingembre Citron bio Romon Nature Infusion plaisir Gingembre Citron bio de Romon Nature est un produit bio 100 % naturel respectueux de la nature, de la sante et du bien-etre corporel. Le gingembre et le citron melange das une infusion, sont des atouts benefiques pour la sante. S il est repute pour ses vertus aphrodisiaques, le gingembre compte de nombreux autres atouts. En effet, il favorise grandement la digestion tout en etant un bruleur de graisse. Pour les femmes enceintes, il est bon de savoir que le gingembre est efficace contre les nausees et les vomissements. De plus, il reduit la sensation de fatigue et reste bon pour le coelig;ur. Le citron quant a lui est ideal pour assainir l organisme. C est un complement alimentaire qui, au meme titre que le gingembre, favorise la digestion. Il apporte du tonus et de la vitalite en luttant contre la fatigue.
Delivery From Late April Onwardsgolden Sunrise Tomato Variety Produces Delicious Golden Yellow Tomatoes Which Will Add An Amazing Colour To Your Summer Salads. This Is A Cordon Variety Suitable For Growing Indoors And The Medium-sized Tomatoes Have A Sweet, Fruity Flavour.plant Your Tomato Plants As Soon As Possible After They Arrive Into A 1.5 Litre Pot Of Good Quality Compost And Allow Them To Grow In This For A Few Weeks Indoors On A Sunny Window Sill. keep The Compost Moist But Not Waterlogged. They Can Then Be Transferred Into Their Final Growing Container, Such As A Tomato Success Kit Grow Bag Or Straight Into The Ground.make Sure You Add Some Kind Of Organic Fertiliser To Wherever You Plant Your Tomatoes As They Do Like To Be Kept Well Fed.do Not Put Your Tomatoes Outside Until The End Of May As They Dont Like Cold Weather Or Frosts.your Tomato Plants Will Grow Outside In A Warm Sunny, Sheltered Garden But They Are Likely To Do Better If They Can Be Grown With Some Form Of Protection Such As A Greenhouse Or Conservatory.these Plants Will Arrive Bare-rooted With An Approximate Height Of 10-30cm5 Healthy Growing Young Tomato Plantsvariety: Golden Sunrisegrown Pesticide Freeorder Now For Delivery From Late April To July.