Description:The product displays driving datas on the front windshield, such as speed,on the car front window glass, avoiding drivers unsafety because of watchingthe instrument while driving. Drivers can read the driving information instantly,and can always keep the best state on the way with HUD.5.8-inch HD display screen.Combine OBDGPS HUD system into one, free switch.Freely switch between OBD and GPS modes.The use of nano-technology to eliminate unwanted reflections and can make display information more clear.Display rich content: speed, engine speed, water temperature, battery voltage,low voltage alarm, high temperature alarm, speed alarm, free switching between kilometer and mile.Automatic and manual brightness adjustment mode, bright in day time and not dazzling in night time.Notice: 1.Open the engine hood and find the paster below it (see the picture below),if it has words like OBD II CERTIFIED, then it can be installed. You should affix the pasterin the HUD display area, it can refrain strong light, brings better display effects when HUD working.2.Know the type of your vehicle. When purchasing HUD, you need to choose thetype of vehicle that meets the OBD II standards for normal use. Any US Vehicle 2004 or laterwill have an OBD2 port to use with the display. Outside the United States vehicle after 2008will have an OBD2 port to use with the display.Specification:Screen: 5.8 inchWorking Voltage: DC9-16V (DC12V 400mA)Environment Temperature: -40 degree centigrade ~ +80
Tipo:LED; Potencia (W):2W; Color temperatura:6000K; Luz:Alto; Soporte de Lámpara:1157; Cantidad de LED:22; Color de la Luz:Blanco; Dimensiones de Unidad / L x A x L (cm):2x2x2cm; Peso Neto (kg):0.005kg; Función:Luz de Freno; Tipo de Chip: LED de Alto Rendimiento; Material:ABS,Aluminio; Características:De Alto Rendimiento
Ports USB:1 Port USB; Que contient la boîte:Manuel D'Utilisation,1 x chargeur sans fil,1 x Câble USB; Type de Prise:USB; Type:Chargeur pour auto; Fonction:Type C,Protection contre les surcharges,Protection contre les surintensités (entrée et sortie),Protection contre les surtensions (entrée et sortie),Chargeur Sans Fil,Charge Rapide,Sécurité; Tension d'Entrée:9; Compatibilité:Automatique; Marque:Huawei; Avec câble:Câble Inclus; Tension de sortie:5; date d'inscription:04/10/2019
Material:Plástico; Color:Blanco; Dimensiones (cm):8.5 x 8.5 x 2.5; Peso (kg):0.04
Tamaño de la pantalla:2.0 pulgadas; Soporte de visión nocturna LED:4 LEDs infrarrojos; Formato de foto:JPG; Formato de video:AVI; Formato de Compresión:H.264; Detector de movimiento:Sí; Ciclo grabación:Sí; Ranura de tarjeta de memoria:Tarjeta TF; Memoria máxima soportada:32Gb; Tipo de Batería:Batería de ion de litio recargable; Puertos:Mini USB,Ranura TF,Salida AV; Idiomas:Francés,Inglés,Italiana,Chino tradicional,Chino simplificado,Ruso,Alemán; Color:Negro; Peso neto (kg):0.08; Qué hay en la caja:1 x Cargador de Coche,1 x titular de montaje,1 x USB-Kabel,1 x DVR Host,1 x Manual de usuario