**Well start shipping these boxes about February 15th** Our best selling subscription box has become even better with this special edition Butler Box from Mod Sun and Hippie Butler! This special subscription box is delivered right to your front door with all the goodies you need to get started. This box is brimming with special edition products from artist and smoking connoisseur, Mod Sun. We included a Mod Sun rolling tray, large Mod Sun grinder, Mod Sun Cotton Mouth Candies, and a beautiful Mod Sun glass spoon pipe. Our Butler wanted to be sure you could cover all the bases with this box so we also included rolling papers, a storage jar, and all natural hemp wick for a clean butane-free light. This box is a monthly subscription box that will change every month. The first month will be 39.99 and you will receive the special edition Mod Sun Butler Box as shown. All following months will be billed at 32.99 and you will receive a Butler Box with a mix of both flavored and non-flavored smoking products.
Every box contains 50 packs of papers.
Das Urban Mix Movebook ist dank des widerstandsfähigen, flexiblen Polypropylendeckels und den Gummizugverschluss der perfekte Begleiter für unterwegs. Die Kunststoffhülle vorne im Movebook eignet sich hervorragend für den Transport loser Dokumente und sicheres Verwahren von Visitenkarten dank Visitenkartenfach. Oxfords exklusives glattes und extra weißes 90 g/m² OPTIK PAPERermöglicht Ihnen beidseitiges Schreiben, ohne das die Schrift durchscheint. A4+ Movebook, 7 mm liniert mit Rand, 80 perforierte und 4-fach gelochte Blätter Extra-weißes und seidenglattes, 90g/m² OPTIK PAPERermöglicht das Schreiben auf beiden Seiten eines Blattes ohne das die Tinte auf der Rückseite durchscheint Spezielle Lineatur mit Kopfzeile für Meetingtitel, Thema und Datum und Rand, um Stichpunkte zu numerieren oder hervorzuheben Die stabile, mit schwarzem Kunststoff überzogene, Doppelspirale sorgt für Langlebigkeit, während das Movebook flach aufliegen oder vollständig umgeklappt werden kann - für maximalen Komfort
Made in the USA, these revolutionary 2 1/8" anodized aluminum grinders from Santa Cruz Shredders are sure to make your grinding experience that much more enjoyable. With a unique threading pattern and patented tooth design, you will get a high-quality shred every time in this medical grade aluminum grinder. This shredder comes in a handy 3-piece format with a magnetic lid and handy storage compartment to assure your legal smoking herbs stay safe inside after you shred them. To get the most out of your smoking experience, these premium grinders from Santa Cruz Shredders is the only solution!
These stunning Roor pieces offer a 14" straight neck pipe with an ice pinch. Sporting a 45mm diameter and 5mm wall thickness, these pieces are built to last and are sure to please the finest smoking connoisseur. Each piece comes signed by the artist who handmade it so no two water pipes will ever be the same. These glass pieces are handmade to order, please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.