RAPESCO Geldkassette, Breite: 300 mm, schwarz hochwertiges Stahlgehäuse mit Pulverbeschichtung, Griff - 1 Stück (SB0012B1)
Despite their bright colors, dont let these mini Clippers fool you! Donning skulls printed on each of the lighters, these Clippers are smaller than the standard size, which makes them easy to carry with you when you need a convenient and handy light! Improved features such as a packing tool, replaceable flints, and re-fillable containers result in a drastic rise above the other inexpensive lighter options.
features a 9m diameter, 2 megapixels high resolution camera. It can connect up to 4 devices at the same time. So users can capture pictures and videos and save in the mobile phone and computer. The WiFi box support any USB interface camera connection, like USB microscopes, USB computer QQ camera, USB endoscope. Features: Wifi Functions Install the endoscope app (HTwificamera) in your tablets, smartphone and computer to enjoy live viewing and transfer the measured data. Waterproof Camera Waterproof camera head with 9mm diameter / 1m working length cable. 6 LEDs Lights Adjustable lights make it possible to see in dark areas and allow you to work better. High Resolution 2 megapixels camera provide clear close range HD video or snapshot image with a resolution up to 1600 * 1200(only for PC). Built-in Battery Built-in 5V 850mAH battery for power supply. Convenient To Use Comes with mirror, hook and magnet to meet special needs.
Silverline Kontrax Metal Storage Cupboard with Security Bar- 1650mm High- Verdigris The Kontrax cupboard offers an affordable and stylish storage option for your office or home. This metal storage is delivered fully assembled and features a twist handle. Supplied with a security bar which is the same colour as the cabinet and is lockable with a padlock. Please note the padlock is not supplied. This double door cupboard is available in a wide range of colour and size options. Two shelves are supplied with this model. This is a Made To Order Item - if in doubt, please contact us to order colour samples as the cupboard is non-returnable.
Calli.Brush Double Tip Pen fürs kreative Schreiben Damit wächst die Lust am kreativen Tun rund ums Schreiben, Handlettering oder vielen weiteren Möglichkeiten. Ideen kreieren und in die wunderbare Welt des Handgemachten eintauchen: diese Double Tip Pens machen es möglich! Die Kombination der dünnen, abgeschrägten Kalligrafie-Spitze mit der breiten Pinselspitze garantiert eine vielfältige und kreative Gestaltung, damit das von Hand Erschaffene eine besondere Wertschätzung erlebt. … hervorragende Qualität - Double-Tip mit Kalligrafie-Spitze und Pinsel - Kalligrafie-Spitze 2 mm für exakte Linienführung - Flexible Pinselspitze für kreatives Schreiben & Gestalten - Tinte auf Wasserbasis - Auswaschbar aus fast allen Textilien - Sicherheit durch ungiftige Pigmente … eignet sich besonders gut für - Handlettering und Kalligrafie - Kreatives Gestalten und Schreiben - Das Colorieren von Motiven - Entspanntes, künstlerisches Schaffen