I only sell replica coins for collections, none of the coins I sell are original. Please don't buy them as the original coins. I sell these copied coins only want to make your collections more perfect. and if you did not find the coins you want. you can send samples to us. we can make custom coins.
Welcome to our shop to buy diamonds paintings, our product price is absolutely reasonable price, quality is the best. At the same time, the more the number of wholesale, we will give the lowest price
Color-Bügeltransfer-Bogen mit einem großen Motiv "Blumen 13", filigran ausgearbeitetes Design ohne Hintergrund, DIN A4. Textilgestaltung leicht gemacht! Anleitung beiliegend!
100% brand new and high quality Material: Canvas+Diamonds+Glue Style:5D Diamond Painting ,Quantity: 1Set(NO Frame),color:Multicolor Can be used in the Bedroom, Dinning Room, Bathroom, Washroom, Kitchen, Study, Home, Office, Hotel, Restaurant and Bar,DIY with your family, and put it in a frame on the wall of your house.