A luxurious hand scrub that deeply exfoliates to help replenish the skin. Enriched with Sea Salt to remove dead cells and refine the skin texture. Leaves hands feeling smooth and nourished leaving it with a youthful softness and suppleness.
1 x Übernachtung im komfortablen Doppelzimmer inklusive reichhaltigem Frühstücksbuffet, 1 x Obstteller und Piccolo Sekt für prickelnde Momente pro Zimmer, 1 x kuscheliger Leihbademantel für die Dauer Ihres Aufenthaltes je Person, 1 x 'Time to Tease Set' für unvergessliche Nächte Inklusivleistung, 1 x kostenfreier Eintritt zum Wellnessbereich mit Sauna & Whirlpoolnutzung Inklusivleistung
Portátil de silicio 61 llaves rueda para arriba del teclado de piano electrónico de MIDI con una función de altavoz
6 Zauberfolien "Osterzeit" in 3 verschiedenen Designs, jede Folien-Hülle ca. 7,5 cm hoch, extrastark, passend für Kugeln und andere Gegenstände mit 7 cm Durchmesser.
Pour randonner en toute sécurité et découvrir l'ensemble du littoral et des massifs forestiers et montagneux. Echelle 1 : 25 000 Accédez gratuitement par QR code à différents services pour préparer vos activités de plein air.
These Lindstrom Diagonal cutting nippers have an oval head. They are produced from high performance ball bearing steel which is black oxidised for increased durability. The numerically controlled machine grinding guarantees edge and angle accuracy and contact, which increases tool reliability and consistency. The edges are precision induction hardened to 63-65 HRC. The handles have a return spring and are sleeved. Ideal for wire harness work, and standard printed circuit board assembly. Oval heads are the most common type of nipper head. It combines strength and durability, can withstand and distribute the impact of cutting and is utilised in a myriad of applications.Length (A): 125mm (5 in). Blade length (B): 16mm (0.63 in). Head width (C): 16mm (0.63 in). Head depth (D): 8mm (0.31 in). Tip width: (F): 1.6mm (0.06 in). Cutting capacity: 0.4-2.0mm. Cutting edge: Micro-bevel. The Micro-Bevel cut is designed to meet the requirements of the electronic assembly industry. Leads are ‘pinched’, allowing less altitude and a smaller overall surface area. Because of its design, it has a wide cutting range and variety of uses.