StarWhite Lightening is ideal for addressing intimate regions, aiming to lighten & brighten with an innovative balanced formula. The Star White skin lightening cream was created with sensitivity considered, including nourishing Aloe Vera. All it requires is an easy & discreet twice daily application.
Reduisez vos poches sous les yeux en seulement quelques semaines avec EyeTuck. concu par les laboratoires Skin Doctors. Action Hydratante et apaisante. - 3 Cremes
Stimulates the lymphatic system Treat your skin and soul to a moment of detoxification. The Amethyst Facial Roller by Rosental Organics stimulates the lymphatic system which allows the easy transportation of toxins out of the body. The skin appears more refined and smooth with regular use which is especially beneficial for damaged and blemished skin. Even so, the facial roller has a positive effect on all skin types. Application: Use the massaging tool as often as you like. It is, however, recommended to use the facial roller at least 5 times a week for 5 - 10 minutes for best results. First, cleanse the face at night. Apply the Hyaluron Supreme Serum and massage it into the skin using the facial roller. This allows the natural substances found in the serum to unfold and, in turn, improves absorption thereof. Place the roller on the centre of the face and start rolling towards the ears/temples in a horizontal fashion. It's best to start at the eyes and work your way to the chin. A double chin is lessened by massaging the area between the chin and collarbone using the facial roller in a vertical fashion. Care Instructions: Clean the Rosental Facial Roller with a very small amount of mild, natural soap or use the Rosental Face Tonic. It's important to dry the roller well with a towel or soft cloth.
Il n est pas toujours facile de maintenir ses nouvelles resolutions et de mettre fin a ses mauvaises habitudes, en particulier lorsqu il s agit de dependances (tabac, cafe, alcool...). Ce qui rend ce processus aussi difficile c est le fait que ces habitudes nous offrent un certains reconfort. Avec cetElixir FloralIpomeelaboratoire Devavous disposerez de toute l aide dont vous avez besoin pour tourner la page et dire non a vos mauvaises habitudes. Il va agir directement sur votre volonte et vous permettre de revenir a un mode de vie sain. Avec lui, il vous sera facile de supporter votre periode de "desintoxication" pour ainsi retrouver stabilite, serenite et tranquilite d esprit.De plus, il vous laissera avec une sensation de fraicheur pour recouvrer tonus et vitalite. Ingredients : Base Alcool : Eau de source, cognac, infusion solaire de fleurs (0,5%) - Alcool 20% vol. ingredients issus de l agriculture biologique certifies par Ecocert FR-BIO-01.
Fur die Erneuerung der Hautelastizitat. Das Bio-Serum von Skin Doctors ist reich an Pflanzenextrakten und den Vitaminen E & A. Fur Gesicht und Korper geeignet.