Dieser Wein zeichnet sich aus durch ausgeprägte, typische Chardonnay-Aromen von Banane und Ananas. Ein eleganter, trockener Weißwein, mit dezenten Holznoten, welche durch die Lagerung im Barrique-Fass geprägt werden.Genießen Sie diesen Wein zu...
Das Bouquet ist voll von reifen Fruchtaromen von Kernobst wie Birne und Quitte mit Nuancen von Melone. Am Gaumen präsentiert sich der Chardonnay saftig mit viel Schmelz. Passt zu: mittelkräftigen Fleischgerichten, asiatischen Gerichten, Wildgeflügel und Schweinefleisch.
La tisane bio Soirée d'hiver de Hildegarde de Bingen est une infusion réjouissante de fruits et épices : idéal pour soutenir les défenses naturelles !
Vegan and organic orange and dark chocolate truffle. This little number is full of orange joy and has always been one of our most popular truffles, vegan or otherwise. With a firmer more chocolate approach this is a summer favourite. 120g
Horizon Falcon King Tank is an updated version of Falcon series which is constructed by high-quality Stainless Steel and colorful Resin material. Features large 6ml e-juice capacity, enough to meet your vaping demands and compatible with new coils of M-Dual 0.38ohm mech coil and M1+ 0.16ohm mesh coil. Both of them are made of bamboo fiber, which produces better flavor and has a longer lifespan. What's more, it's compatible with all Falcon coils, plus the new filling design, simple to operate. Moreover, airflow enters the Falcon King Tank via adjustable bottom and can be fully closed, which will bring you big cloud and satisfy your daily vaping. Update version of Falcon series, made of high-quality SS and Resin 6ml large capacity meets your vaping need New mesh coils are made of Bamboo Fiber, better flavor, and long lifespan All of Falcon coils are compatible with it New refilling mechanism: click to open or close Resin drip tip makes the tank more elegant Material: SS+Resin Capacity: 6ml(Bulb Glass Tube), 4ml(Normal Glass Tube) Glass tube diameter: 26.2mm Refill: Top-refill Connection: 510 thread Brand: Horizon Model Falcon King Tank Capacity 6ML/4ML Size 59.5 x 25.4mm