Titanic Belfast + SS Nomadic The self-guided tour takes approximately 1.30 - 2 hours. Guided tour of Nomadic is 30 minutes. Your ticket for the Nomadic is valid on the day of your Titanic Belfast visit and the following day. Crumlin Road Gaol We recommend that you arrive at least 10 - 15 minutes prior to the tour time, to enable tickets to be checked. There is also a small museum collection and gift shop on site which you may want to explore.
Seating Chart: Majestic Theatre Runtime: 2 hours and 30 minutes, including one intermission Rating: The Phantom of the Opera is recommended for children aged eight and older. Children under four years of age will not be admitted into the Majestic Theater. Handicap Accessible: Yes Hearing Assistance: Yes A wheelchair accessible restroom (unisex) is available. Additional restrooms are located one flight up and two flights down. A pay phone is located in the lobby. There are no steps into the theatre from the sidewalk. Air Conditioned Wheelchair Seating Available Assisted listening system available
Enrique Iglesias brings his Sex and Love World Tour to Las Vegas. Get your tickets today at ShowTickets.com and enjoy this must-see show
SEA LIFE Loch Lomond Aquarium is just 30 minutes from Glasgow, situated on the stunning Loch Lomond Shores. Explore an amazing underwater world and take a fascinating journey from the Loch Lomond shores to the ocean depths through 7 themed zones, including our Tropical Ocean Tunnel. Get up close to over 1500 creatures, including Scotland's only Giant Green Sea Turtle, the largest collection of sharks in Scotland and our playful family of otters. Find out how it feels to touch a starfish, crab and other creatures living in our interactive rockpool then head to our Observation Deck for unrivalled views of Loch Lomond, or relax in our welcoming café. With fun talks, animal feeds, special events and our quiz trail, there's plenty for everyone to enjoy at SEA LIFE Loch Lomond. The aquarium offers great fun for all the family, whatever the weather!
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La experiencia tendrá una duración total de aproximadamente 1 hora. Incluye: Check-in Instrucción de seguridad Vuelo de unos 15 - 17 minutos en helicóptero El Customer Experience Center incluye: History exhibit de Chicago Flight simulator Sala con vistas al helipuerto Juegos interactivos Tentempié y refrigerios para comparar El Chicago Helicopter Experience opera con una flota de helicópteros Airbus AStar. La aeronave tiene capacidad para 6 pasajeros a parte del piloto, además de estar equipada con clima. Con esta experiencia disfrutará de unas claras vistas sentado en unos asientos amplios mientras escucha la narración del piloto a través de los auriculares de cancelación de ruido. Todos los tours salen y regresan desde/a: Chicago Helicopter Experience, 2420 South Halsted Street. Aparcamiento gratuito delante del Customer Experience Center. Hay disponible la recogida en hoteles del centro de Chicago por un coste adicional. Términos del Ticket: Peso máximo por pasajero de 113kg. Niños a partir de 3 años. Check-in 30 minutos antes del horario de salida del tour. Los pasajeros que se encuentren bajo los efectos de drogas o alcoholno se les permitirá realizar el tour – no se les devolverá el dinero. Los horarios de los vuelos son orientativos y susceptibles a las condiciones climáticas. En el caso que su vuelo se cancele por las inclemencias del clima, su ticket podrá ser reprogramado o reembolsado por el importe total.