Glaskunst Venetia, 70 ml brilliant schimmernde, wärmeaushärtende Farbe für Glas, Porzellan, Metall und Keramik. Farbton: Gold . Die Farbe wird mit Pinsel oder Tuch aufgewischt. Wir empfehlen unser Netzgewebe. Der Untergrund muss staub- und fettfrei sein. Nach dem Durchhärten 25 Minuten bei 150°C im Backofen aushärten.  
Trump coin is a collectable item and is not legal tender. Obverse shows the White House with 45th President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump signature, and the Reverse shows the Seal of the President of the United States Eagle . Keep coins stored away the vicinity of damp or polluted environments.
Polished front surfaces enabling perfect tightening.
Washer in the set, ability to adjust the angle of screwing in the extender.
Threads are made with dedicated tool, perfect accuracy and repeatability.
Exhaust gas inlet hole 2 mm; In extreme situations narrowing of the inlet hole prevents motor failure (driving at high speed).
Perfect for tight awkward spaces, where there is no room for the straight extenders
Unscrew the lambda oxygen sensor, screw in the emulator in its place and then screw in the oxygen sensor.
Extenders are from