Make your smoking experience stand out with these unique designer cones! Made of palm rolling paper, these thin pre-rolled cones are 98mm in length and burn smooth and slow so you can savor the experience. The colorful and artful designs are printed with hempseed oil and natural pigments, making them safe to smoke and enjoy! With pops of green and pink color in the flower design on these cones, they are easy to become a new favorite cone to enjoy. Each pack offers you 6 easy to enjoy cones, giving you a perfect amount to enjoy your favorite legal smoking herbs with. Sit back and relax with these designer cones and know that youre the envy of everyone who sees!
Oxford Notizbuch OpenFelx mit transparentem Deckel. Die spezielle ""OpenFlex-System"" bietet eine Schließung bis 90 Grad und Öffnung bei 180 Grad an. Hauptmerkmale Artikelbezeichnung Oxford Notitzbuch ""Openflex"", 240 x 320 mm, 96 Seiten, 90 g-m2, gebunden mit Heftklammer, kariert-liniert Hersteller Oxford Grammatur 90 g/m² Art Kariert liniert Anzahl 4 Stück Farben rot / pink / lila / gelb
Vector brings ultimate jet torches to the market with their high-quality and premium lines of torch lighters! These Hyper torches are easy to handle but remain a powerful torch that can reach up to 2400 degrees. With an intuitive and easy to understand design, this torch is perfect for reaching high temperatures quickly. These torches hold about 0.35 fluid ounces and can burn up to 80 minutes! Enjoy your torch experience a little more when you use this beautifully crafted lighter from Vector.