Coussin cervical portatif avec capuche
Der Buckingham Palace dient sowohl als Büro und Londoner Residenz Ihrer Majestät der Königin, als auch als Verwaltungssitz des königlichen Haushalts. Es ist eines der wenigen noch existierenden königlichen Paläste Europas. Heute werden die Prunkräume des Buckingham Palace der Queen und Mitgliedern der königlichen Familie ausgiebig genutzt, um die Gäste bei staatlichen, zeremoniellen und offiziellen Anlässen zu empfangen. Wenn die Königin ihren jährlichen Besuch in Schottland macht, sind die 19 Prunkräume des Palastes für Besucher geöffnet. Was gibt es zu sehen? Die Buckingham Palace State Rooms bilden das Herz des Palastes und sind mit einigen der größten Schätze aus der königlichen Sammlung ausgestattet - Gemälde von Rembrandt, Rubens, Poussin und Canaletto; Skulpturen von Canova; ausgewählte Arbeiten von Sèvres Porzellan; und einige der begehrtesten englischen und französischen Möbel. Der Garten Der Garten des Palastes, der als "ummauerte Oase mitten in London" beschrieben wird, beherbergt dreißig verschiedene Vogelarten und mehr als 350 verschiedene Wildblumen, von denen einige äußerst selten sind. Auf dem Pfad entlang der Südseite des Gartens hat man einen herrlichen Blick auf die Westfassade des Palastes und den berühmten See. Audioguide Ein Audioguide ist im Ticketpreis enthalten und ist in neben Englisch und Deutsch auch in vielen weiteren Sprachen verfügbar. Es gibt auch einen besonderen Audioguide für Familien (nur in englischer Sprache) und einen begleitenden Aktionspfad, der für Kinder von 7 bis11 Jahren geeignet ist. Wachablösung Die Zeremonie der Wachablösung findet von April bis Ende Juli täglich um 11:30 Uhr und an anderen Tagen je nach Wetterlage statt. Die neuen Wachen kommen um 11:30 Uhr von den Wellington Barracks auf den Vorplatz des Palastes und werden von einer Kapelle begleitet. Rollstuhlzugang Wenn Sie Rollstuhlfahrer sind oder die Benutzung des Aufzugs benötigen, sollten Sie ihr Ticket direkt beim Buckingham Palace buchen. Bildnachweise: Image 1: Fotograf: Derry Moore, Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2013 Image 2 : Fotograf: Peter Smith, Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2013 Image 3 : Fotograf: Andrew Holt, Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2013 Image 4: Fotograf: Derry Moore, Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2013
The old port in Fira is accessible only: By cable car: It is perfectly safe, it consists of 6 wagons and has capacity of 6 persons per wagon. During high season (April-October) it runs every 20 minutes. Single tickets cost €5 for adults and €2.50 for children. On foot: You would need to walk down the famous 600 steps of the traditional road that connects the old port with the town of Fira. The descend takes about 20-30 minutes, depending on your physical condition. By donkey: The donkeys used to be the traditional transportation way of the island. They go up and down to the old port of Fira frequently. A single ride costs around €5 per person and takes about 20 minutes. Most people prefer to take the donkey on their way up.
The Courtroom This is a classic Dungeon's show and a massive crowd pleaser. We're all guilty... the only question is 'what of?' From witchcraft to inebriation, from being from Dundee to having a mono-brow. BOO the criminals Witch Hunt Our brand new show is our most up-close-and-personal yet. Get right in amongst the Witch Pricker’s interrogation chamber, but protect yourself from accusations of sinister sorcery or be burned alive! The Torturer This show is consistently one of our highlights - delighting and repulsing in equal measure. Just remember, like any artist The Torturer has his sensitive side. The Boat Ride Hear what happened when a man and woman were returning from market and happened across savages on the road. The King's Men are out to capture the savages and YOU have been enlisted to help. Venture into the Caves of Galloway by boat in search of legendary cannibal Sawney Bean and his incestuous clan. Sawney Bean You've found the Bean Family. Unfortunately, it's been a while since they last ate and you look delicious. Find yourself creeping through the clan’s foul smelling lair and discover the leftovers of lost travelers as the hunters become the hunted. The Anatomy Theatre Step into Dr Knox's Anatomy Theatre as 19th Century medical students and witness the autopsy of another of Burke and Hare's victims. Burke and Hare Edge your way through the darkness and tombstones of the murky burial ground and find yourself in the very gravest of situations. Street Of Sorrows Welcome to 17th Century Edinburgh where the streets are filthy and the plague is rife. Meet the Foul Clenger as he tells you the true story of Edinburgh’s underground plague close. The Green Lady A tale of betrayal, revenge and death and known as Edinburgh’s greatest ghost story, this tale is rich in haunting drama and spine tingling intrigue. Prepare yourself as the capital’s dark and deadly story is brought to life with this brutal crime of passion – get ready to meet The Green Lady! Maggie Dickson Welcome to St Margaret's Chapel, the oldest building in Edinburgh. Meet Half-hangit Maggie; she's known for "hanging" around in the Grassmarket. She'll prepare you for your last drop, and unfortunately it's not Whisky. Drop Dead: Drop Ride You've made it to the Grassmarket and a crowd has gathered to see you pay for your sins. Lucky you! You had better put on a good show/death for the awaiting crowds. Your executioner will show you the 'ropes'. Minimum height: 1.4m Labyrinth Welcome to the Afterlife! You'll quickly realise that a lot of the characters look familiar… Try not to bump into anyone, yourself included.
Tour Stops: City Tour 1. High Street 2. Grand Parade 3. Manvers Street 4. Green Park Road 5. Avon Street 6. Avon Street 7. Westgate Buildings 8. Queen Square 9. Assembly Rooms 10. Brock Street/ Royal Crescent 11. Marlborough Buildings 12. Weston Road 13. Upper Bristol Road 14. Upper Bristol Road 15. Royal Avenue 16. Milsom Street 17. Terrace Walk Skyline Tour 1. Manvers Street 2. Terrace Walk 3. North Parade 4. Great Pultney Street 5. Holburne Museum 6. Beckford Road 7. Bath Spa Hotel 8. Quarry Road 9. Bathwick Hill 10. Widcombe Hill 11. Rainbow Woods Farm 12. Brassknocker Hill 13. Claverton Down 14. Ralph Allen School 15. North Road/Shaft Road 16. Tyning/North Road 17. Prior Park 18. Middle Hill Lodge 19. Abbey Cemetery 20. Prior Park Road 21. Widcombe Passengers can hop-on and hop-off at any of the 17 tour stops along the City route, and any of the 21 along the Skyline route.If you’d prefer, stay on the tour for a full loop: City route – 50 minutes Skyline route – 45 minutes Additional Information: Vouchers must be printed to be exchanged for a City Sightseeing bus ticket in location. The audio commentary is available in the following languages: English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Polish Buses are wheelchair accessible.