Tiefe granatrote Farbe. Das Bouquet überzeugt mit facettenreichen Aromen von reifen Beerenfrüchten und Pflaume, die von dezenten balsamischen Noten sowie Vanille, Pfeffer und Kaffee ergänzt werden. Am Gaumen intensiv und kraftvoll mit exzellent eingebundene Tannine und einem langanhaltenden Finale. Passt zu: kurzgebratenen Fleischgerichten wie Entrecote, Rumpsteak, Lammkotelett, zu Gegrilltem und Wild.
THC Tauren Solo RDA is an updated version of THC Tauren RDA, is a well made rebuildable drip atomizer with 24mm diameter and deep juice well for effective leakage proof. It mainly comes with unique single-coil build deck, which has triple sides with 31-micro air holes for smoothest airflow and intense flavor. Together with the unique 3D honeycomb airflow system, the Tauren Solo RDA is really functional DIY atomizer, it will bring you massive clouds. Made of high-quality 304SS Unique 3D honeycomb airflow system Easy single coil build deck 31-micro air holes for excellent flavor Deep juice well & top/bottom filling Size : 30 x 24mm Capacity : 2ml Brand: THC Model Tauren Solo Diameter 24mm
Introducing a new addition to our kit range, the Aspire Typhon 100 Revvo Kit A brand new kit, combining the imaginative, innovative Revvo tank, and the Typhon 100 mod.The Revvo tank with an all new coil design, the ARC, Aspire Radial Coil, where the coil itself sits horizontally in the tank similar to a 'stove-top' for great flavor and great vapor production.It's a 24mm diameter tank with a 3.6ml standard and a 2ml TPD version.The tank has a fully adjustable top airflow by way of 3 airflow slots, and super easy top fill through a spring loaded filling tube.The mod itself is both compact and ergonomic, with a curvy design and is powered by a 5000mAh internal battery, with a maximum output wattage of 100W.The Typhon 100 also supports VW/VV/Bypass/CPS/TCR.The kit comes with three splashed colors: Blue, Green and RedThe tank comes in a TPD compliant 2ml version and a standard 3.6ml version.No one has yet produced such an innovative replaceable coil for an RTA tank until...
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Boire utille pour aider a lutter contre les desagrements urinaires feminins, grace a cette tisane Infusion Confort Urinaire bio 20 sachets 16g Bio Conseils. Cette infusion est conseillee aux femmes sujettes a des genes urinaires. La bruyere, associee a la bardane, au pissenlit et a l ecorce de citron, contribue a favoriser le retour d un confort urinaire grace a ses proprietes calmantes. Le pissenlit, la bardane et la bruyere contribuent a l elimination des dechets de l organisme. Le citron aide a renforcer le systeme de defenses naturelles. Sans gluten. Convient aux vegetariens. Ingredients / INCI : Bruyere, pissenlit, bardane, citron. Ingredients issus de l agriculture biologique Boite de 20 sachets-filtres (4 a 6 jours) : 16 g. Marque: Bio Conseils Garanties: Produit issus de l agriculture biologique, certifie par Ecocert SAS - F32600 Sans utilisation de pesticides, sans OGM, conformement au mode de production biologique. Sans rayons ionisants. Sans aromes artificiels.