The U-breast device is ergonomically designed for breasts, with five individualised massage modes and an LCD display panel with built-in control. U-breast uses adjustable hypoallergenic electrodes, and is small & discreet and comes with Transonic Gel.
Evening Primrose Oil is an incredibly prolific natural source of Alpha Linoleic Acid, a go-to ingredient to work into your diet for menopausal support for women, as well as skin care and joint care. Each Softgel serving contains a potent 1000mg of Evening Primrose Oil.
Silk'n Revit Essentials es un revolucionario aparato microdermasion para cara y manos: Reduce los signos de la edad y marcas de acne
Designed to promote balanced candida levels, Candida Support is a unique probiotic supplement with a range of natural ingredients.
Reinigung & Pflege Das Duschgel basierend auf fair gehandeltem Olivenöl aus Palästina und feiner Vanille aus Madagaskar, macht jede Dusche zum Erlebnis. Die Haut wird sanft gereinigt ohne auszutrocknen. Dazu kommt ein himmlisches Vanille Aroma, dass mit seinen beruhigenden und harmonisierenden Eigenschaften auch die Seele streichelt.
2Seduce Crema Sensitiva Intima esta disenada para aumentar las sensaciones femeninas, con una formula innovadora de extractos botanicos. Incluyen Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Aloe Vera y Calendula. La crema de 2Seduce tiene una textura de absorcion rapida, ideal para ser usada antes de la intimidad.