Produkteigenschaften: Bezeichnung: Spirituose (27% vol) Verwendung/Anwendung/Verzehrempfehlung: 2 Tropfen in ein Glas Wasser geben und schluckweise trinken. Oder 2 Tropfen in ein Fläschchen mi...
Oligophytum CUI 300 micro-comprimes Holistica est un supplement alimentaire assurant un apport en extraits electro-dynamises d Aubepine. Oligophytum est une gamme d oligo-elements d origine vegetale presentes pour faciliter leur assimilation sous forme de micro-comprimes a laisser fondre sous la langue. Cette nouvelle forme originale et pratique permet l assimilation directe des oligo-elements.Les granules oligophytum doivent etre laisses a fondre sous la langue. Les Oligophytum Holisticapermettent un apport selectif d oligo-elements d origine naturelle obtenus par une dynamique ecologique selon la logique des trois regnes: ces oligo-elements ont ete puises dans la terre (regne mineral) par les racines (regne vegetal) qui les transforment pour les apporter au regne superieur animal et humain. Ils sont ensuite dynamises par un procede technique exclusif qui s apparente a l electro-magnetisme. Sans colorant, ni conservateur, ni irradiation.
Meritene Energis ShakesMeritene Energis Shakes are specially formulated for the needs of seniors to help reduce tiredness and fatigue. Providing 19 vitamins and minerals, they are suitable as a nutritious first-line supplement and are available in three delicious flavours: Strawberry, Chocolate and Vanilla - simply choose your favourite(s) from the drop down above!Meritene Energis Shakes are:Rich in Vitamins B2, B6 and B12 which contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.Rich in Vitamin D and Calcium to support healthy bones.Rich in high quality protein to help maintain muscle mass.Gluten free.
Answer Pregnancy TestAnswer Pregnancy Test is an easy to use home pregnancy test that gives you results in just 1 minute. Simply hold the absorbent end of the test in your urine stream for a few seconds, then after a minute check the easy to read result - two lines pregnant, one line not pregnant.Answer Pregnancy Test works from the first day of a missed period and is over 99% accurate in laboratory testing.
Optimised supplement for joint health and flexibility Provides elements essential for healthy tendon function: various forms of collagen, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin, mucopolysaccharides … Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects.
Wichtige Hinweise (Pflichtangaben): Ome TAD 20 mg bei Sodbrennen, magensaftresistente Hartkapseln Wirkstoff: Omeprazol. Anwendungsgebiete: zur Behandlung von Sodbrennen und saurem Aufstoßen. ...