Highlights These combination tickets allow you the luxury of taking your time to explore all of the fun at the Dreamworld Theme Park, WhiteWater World water park and SkyPoint Observation Deck Australia’s largest theme park, Dreamworld The world’s tallest free-falling ride, be propelled from zero to 161 kilometres p/h, and even challenge gravity 15 storeys above the ground on the Big 9 Thrill Rides Immerse yourself in traditional Indigenous Australian culture and wildlife at Dreamworld Corroboree Make a splash on the Log Ride or drive back in time in Dreamworld’s iconic Vintage Cars Meet loved television characters Hoot and Hootabelle, and Dorothy the Dinosaur at ABC KIDS WORLD Ticket Includes The 7 Day ticket gives you unlimited entry to Dreamworld, WhiteWater World and SkyPoint Ticket Excludes Food and Drinks
¡Disfrute de un gran día en el zoológico de Chessington durante los fines de semana de noviembre de 2018 y enero de 2019, más 27-29 de diciembre de 2019 y 1 y 2 de febrero de 2019! La entrada incluye Entrada al zoológico de Chessington Entrada al centro de Chessington SEA LIFE. Ven cara a cara con los tigres y los gorilas, y nuestro nuevo Rey de la Selva Kamal mientras te aventuras por el Sendero de los Reyes. Descubra el fondo marino con tiburones y rayas en el centro SEA LIFE y no se olvide de visitar Wanyama Village & Reserve, donde Grevy's Zebra y la rara Scimitar Horned Oryx deambulan libremente ante sus ojos. También se ofrece una gran variedad de presentaciones de animales y reuniones, lo que le permite a usted y su familia acercarse a una variedad de criaturas exóticas, desde serpientes y suricatos, hasta arañas y binturongs. Tenga en cuenta: Esto no incluye la entrada al parque temático.
El Acuario SEA LIFE Londres es el hogar de la mayor colección de vida marina global de Europa y la joya de la corona de los 28 Acuarios SEA LIFE en el Reino Unido y Europa. Situado en el corazón de Londres, la experiencia lleva a los visitantes en un viaje inmersivo e interactivo a través de la Cinta Transportadora Oceánica. La misteriosa experiencia, repartida en tres plantas, empieza con un viaje submarino hacia las profundidades del Océano Atlántico. A lo largo del viaje, una pasarela en el impresionante túnel de cristal les ofrece a los visitantes una inolvidable experiencia de adentrarse bajo un Océano Tropical. Hay muchas formas de interacción por el camino, desde alimentar las rayas y ver muestras submarinas hasta las zonas de descubrimiento y de experimentación táctil. Otras estrellas de este espectáculo son las tortugas verdes, los caballitos de mar, los pulpos, los tiburones cebra y el siempre popular pez payaso. Pero el verdadero espectáculo empieza cuando los visitantes completan su viaje en la zona más profunda y oscura del Océano Pacífico - pasee por el lado más salvaje y observe 10 especies de tiburones nadar tan sólo unos centímetros por encima de usted en una plataforma de cristal suspendida. Así como permitir que millones de personas descubran la maravillas del mundo marino, la red SEA LIFE también realiza una importante función de conservación y ayudando a salvaguardar los océanos para el futuro. El Acuario SEA LIFE London también es un centro puntero en gestión, conservación y preservación del medio marino del Reino Unido. ¡Los cocodrilos establecen su residencia en el Acuario SEA LIFE Londres! Cocodrilos, Pirañas, una familia de Ranas Punta de Flecha y una gran cantidad de exóticas criaturas acuáticas establecerán su residencia en el espacio completamente nuevo del Acuario SEA LIFE Londres "Selvas del Mundo" en Pascua. Selvas del Mundo sustituirá completamente la anterior zona selvática y dará una instantánea de los vulnerables ecosistemas de Malaysia, el Oeste de África o el Sur de América. Los visitantes se encontrarán con algunas de las criaturas más temidas y famosas de las selvas en este inmersivo viaje a través de tres continentes. Un par de Cocodrilos Enanos Africanos de casi 2 metros en un espacio especialmente habilitado para ellos que recrea su hábitat africano. La familia de Ranas Punta de Flecha, muy tóxicas, otorgará un caleidoscopio de colores al lugar. ¡Pero cuidado con la fascinante Rana Venenosa Dardo amarilla, es la más letal de todas ellas! Continuando con los pequeños pero mortales animales, el Acuario también tiene una de las colecciones más importantes de Europa de Pirañas, peces conocidos por su preferencia por la carne.
LEGOLAND FLORIDA Operating Calendar: Remember that LEOGLAND Florida and the water park are not open 365 days a year. FREE Shuttles available from Orlando: Shuttle leaves from I-Drive 360, 8350 Universal Blvd, Orlando, FL 32819. You can add a free shuttle voucher to your order here. VIP DINE 4 LESS CARD - ORLANDO Each VIP Dine 4 Less Card presented is valid for up to four paying guests. If you have more than 4 persons in your party additional cards must be purchased.The VIP Dine 4 Less Card is not combinable with any other discounts or promotions. Alcohol, beverages, tax and gratuity may not be subject to discounts and will be determined and maintained solely by the participating restaurant. Each card must be signed and dated prior to first use in order to be activated and may be subject to identification verification. Each card will be valid for 90 consecutive days from the date of first use. Mobile APP Download the VIP Dine4Less Mobile App Highlights and Guest Benefits The iCard: Guests can register and convert any traditional Card or approved eCard into a digital iCard saved directly to their App. They then simply pull up their iCard in their mobile app and show to the server or cashier, no differently than with a traditional Card or eCard. Multiple Cards? No problem: All of our Apps are seamless integrated to allow guests with multiple cards to easily access each Cards’ participating venues, so if they have multiple cards, they can still use any one of our Apps instead of downloading multiple Card Apps. Real-time Access to Participating Venue Profiles and Offer Details: Mobile directories are displayed using integrated GPS technology allowing the guest to know where the closest participating venues are to them on a real-time basis. Mapping and Turn by Turn Directions: Using integrated Google Mapping technologies, each guest now has a customized Nav Sat specific to the venue they wish to visit. Social Media: Each guest can now share their experiences real time with their friends on Facebook without having open a separate App. Saving Calculator: Guests can easily track their individual savings as they use each card at participating venues. Fun Facts: While we do not ever harvest any personal data on any guests, we are starting to learn some high-level trends that will help us to further enhance the tools we continue to develop on behalf of each guest arriving in our destinations.
Please note: Entry ticket is not included, this must be purchased separately.
Enjoy the Sea Lions Interaction at Rancho Texas Lanzarote Park!
These playful and loving mammals will make your day very special. During the interaction you can stroke and hug them, and even receive a kiss. You will also learn to differentiate their principal characteristics and get to know their skills and behaviours.
The sea lion is an expert swimmer who uses his front flippers to propel themselves forward, making leaps of up to 1.5 metres and steer their body with their rear flippers.
The training of these animals is based on “time”, “patience” and, above all things, “respect.” So we are aware of their moods and, like us, you must understand.
Adults and children must be 7+ years old and 1.10+ metres high.
Each child from 7 to 14 years old must be accompained by an adult (18+), who also participates and pays for the interaction.
The groups are limited to 10 people to secure maximum enjoyment!
Participants must bring a swimsuit and towel, the use of sun tan cream is not permitted.
Participants must remove all jewellery prior to entering the water.
Combine your visit to Rancho Texas Lanzarote Park with a visit to Go Karting
The private house offers a place to relax with its own private balcony overlooking the park. Each villa has a jacuzzi on the terrace, sun-beds, a solarium, a shower, towels, fan, sofa and TV. Also included is a fully stocked mini bar with soft drinks, beer and snacks. The private house offers excellent value for money and need to be booked well in advance. With fantastic views over the water park, the house provides a private place to relax in your own hammocks. Your ticket includes food, drinks, snacks and fast track entrance to the park plus fast track to the attractions. This has to be the best way to enjoy a VIP experience! Conditions: Children under 3 years of age do not count for a seat. Each facility has a minimum price established for 6 people. Each extra person (up to 4) must pay an additional cost. Valid Photo ID is required for entry with each booking - You will be refused entry if your ID does not match the stated visitor name.