Celebrate the New Year with Hornblower Cruises New York aboard the New Year's Day Brunch Cruise with tickets at great prices from
Accessibility KidZania accommodates visits for those with special requirements. We believe all kids should be able to experience role-play in a fun and unique way. Hearing Impairments: All activities are equipped with a 'Help Hearing Guide' - a read-a-long guide for visitors with hearing impairments. This is a free service and can be obtained by an activity staff member on the day of your visit. Visual Impairments: Service Animals (Registered Guide Dogs, Hearing Dogs and Medical Alert Dogs) are welcome around KidZania, however due to health and safety reasons, there are selected activities where they will not be permitted. Accessible Parking: Westfield London offers a selection of accessible parking. Blue Badge holder will be permitted four hours free parking Monday to Friday. To qualify for this, you must provide a Blue Badge and parking ticket to Westfield staff at the Shopmobility desk. Getting Around: KidZania is entirely accessible to wheelchair users, with many lifts and escalator available. There are several accessible toilets, a variety of rest areas and all food and retail outlets are wheelchair friendly.
Can you see all the very best New York City has to offer in 48 hours How about 72 hours With Gray Line's All Loops 72-Hour Pass gives you that chance.
En Herringbone, nunca se sabe con qué famoso podrá encontrarse. El chef Brian Malarkey de "Top Chef" y "The Taste" abrió este local favorito para las celebridades que ahora es considerado uno de los restaurantes más populares de Las Vegas. Saboree especialidades como la tostada de aguacate adornada con jícama y jalapeño, huevos benedictinos con cangrejo, puerros crujientes con salsa holandesa o una refrescante ensalada de sandía y tomate. Sacie su sed con uno de los zumos frescos de melocotón, fresa y yuca. Y mientras tanto... ¡todo acompañado por un DJ! Cualquier mañana es mejor con canalés caramelizados y cremosos, así como también con un brioche francés con mascarpone de vainilla y almendra. Disfrute de estas delicias con un cóctel francés 75 (ginebra francesa, jugo de limón fresco y champán) o de una elegante cóctel francés sin alcohol (falernum de terciopelo, jengibre y yuca) en la brasería Bardot. Fundada por un aclamado chef llamado Michael Mina, este glamuroso café francés fue finalista en “Best New Restaurant’’. A continuación, deléitese con un brunch – de estilo asiático con dim sum en Lemongrass. Delicias clásicas cocinadas al vapor como sui mai, har gow y buñuelos de cerdo, acompañado de té helado tailandés o de una caipiroska de sandía (Vodka, lima, jugo fresco de sandía). Para finalizar, deguste el arroz pegajoso con coco y mango. Cócteles o cócteles sin alcohol incluidos!
How does Share Ride work? If you are going to EWR airport: The driver picks up passengers in order from the destinations furthest from the airport to the closest. Your pick-up time will depend on the relationship between your location and how many other share passengers will be picked up and their respective locations. If you are the furthest away from the airport, you will be picked up relatively early to your flight time and will have to visit other locations to pick up share passengers before arriving at the airport. We guarantee that you will arrive to the airport on time. If you are leaving from EWR airport: Simply proceed to the Ground Transportation Desk in your arriving terminal and present the Go Airlink NYC voucher you printed. They also have FREE courtesy phones in every terminal at the baggage claim area. The driver picks up passengers by terminal. Please understand that if you are at the first terminal for pick up, you will have priority seating in the vehicle but it may take time to travel to the other terminals to pick up share passengers before leaving the airport. After all of the passengers have been picked up from their respective terminals, the driver will drop off passengers in order of the closest destination point to the furthest. If your destination is the furthest away from the airport, you will have to wait for the other share ride passengers to be dropped off at their respective destinations before arriving at your final point. Please remember to allow for sufficient travel time to EWR Airport. Please take traffic into consideration when booking your reservation. Please keep in mind that they cannot control traffic, flight delays and other unforeseen circumstances that may increase travel time. Go Airlink NYC EWR Airport share-ride shuttles: Up to 11 passengers. Share ride shuttle with other travellers, allows you to meet new people and socialize! Economical, environmentally friendly. 24 hour/ 7 days a week transportation service. Door to door service Baggage allowance: 1 Suitcase per person and 1 small carry-on per person.
Please arrive 10-15 minutes at College Green Tourist Office before departure. ITINERARY: 07:45pm - Depart from College Green Tourist Office 08:20pm to 08:40 - St Audeons 08:50pm to 09:10pm - Kilmainham Jail and Bullys Acre 09:20pm to 09:50pm - The Gravediggers Pub 10:00pm - Return to pickup The gravedigger ghost bus tour starts at Trinity College where your guide will transport you back some 600 years ago to when the old Augustinian Priory and of course the plague house were there. The latter of which the guide is all too familiar with… But just ignore the coughing and listen to his tales of a plague-ravaged Dublin. Hear an account of plague victims trying to soothe their wounds in the waters of the city’s drinking supplies. Learn about the mayors schemes to try and keep the disease at bay, and discover the fates of all those poor souls who found themselves infected with the disease. Many were ostracised, but some suffered an end much, much worse. Many believed that the plague was the end of days, but the history of Dublin and its horrors continued. Join your guide as he takes you through the weird and wonderful events that have taken place in times gone by, unearthing legends and ghosts from Dublin’s past. Select a tour stop from the navigation footer below to learn and read more of what to expect on the tour. To be sure to be sure, join us on our custom built storytelling bus and through live poetry and song, let us bring you on a journey to an Ireland of times gone by. It’s no ordinary bus, WE PROMISE YOU WON’T FORGET!