Elektrisch, verstellbarer Komfortrahmen mit Schulterkomfort- und regulierbarer Mittelzone. Der Selecta FR7 Einlegerahmen ist aus hochwertigem, massivem Buchenholz, das mit Leinöl behandelt wurde. Das Ergebnis: eine samtig-glatte Oberfläche, die vor Abnutzung geschützt ist ohne dass die natürliche Atmungsaktivität des Holzes darunter leidet. Darüber hinaus ist der FR7 extrem stabil und leistungsfähig. Der Selecta FR7 bietet sowohl als starres Basismodell, als manuell verstellbarer Rahmen als auch in der elektrischen Version eine wirkungsvolle Schulterkomfortzone, die ein tiefes, angenehmes Einsinken der Schulterpartie erlaubt. Die notwendige Unterstützung im Lordosebereich schaffen die in der Festigkeit regulierbaren Doppelleisten der Mittelzone
The spring system selected for the Utopia Serenity Pocket Spring Series 1000 Divan Bed and the mattress is manufactured from within the UK to give a consistency of feel and quality. The mattress is upheld with pressure-relieving memory foam which not only gives a luxury feel but also relieves aches and pains, while also improving circulation. The striking fabric cover has been designed to increase the airflow within the mattress and regulates sleeping temperature for a deeper and more restful sleep. There is also flag stitched turning handles on both sides of the mattress for easy care and brass vents that will guarantee that the mattress stays fresh and healthy for many years to come. The matching divan base comes with end or side storage in any combination.
LED Digital Alarm Table Clock Brightness Adjustable for Home Office Hotel
Brescia rectangular poseur table with flat square brushed steel bases 1200mm x 800mm - whiteThe Brescia collection of tables features simple, contemporary lines and its expansive product offering supports virtually any workplace environment. Brescia tables are offered in a variety of sizes, shapes and heights. Supporting the 25mm table tops, available in 5 finishes, is a matching central column and slim square base in a black, brushed steel or white finish which wouldn?t look out of place in any modern workplace.Features Include :Rectangular poseur tables with square column and flat square baseBase and column available in black and brushed steel25mm table tops available in beech, maple, oak, walnut and whiteVersatile and adaptable tables offer users a comfortable dining position for eatingRange of square, rectangular and circular tables which will add charm and warmth to any office breakout room or caf
Adapt sliding top starter units back to back 1600mm x 1200mm - black frame, oak topComprising a sturdy steel subframe and bench tops which take on a floating appearance, Adapt offers a clean and minimal look to the workplace. Desk legs can be shared, making it an aesthetically pleasing, cost effective and practical system for high density office spaces, and the sliding top options allows for easy cable management from above the desk whilst still satisfying the demands of a busy organisation.Features Include :Two straight starter unit desks 1600x600mm back-to-back with scalloped cut outs in the desktopsExtend into a modular bench desk system with back-to-back desk add-on unitsDesktops slide forward to a maximum of 125mm allowing greater access to the cables25mm desktops available in beech, oak, white, walnut and white with oak edgingDesk legs can be shared, making it an aesthetically pleasing, cost effective and practical systemHorizontal and vertical cable management allows cables to rise from the floor via mass cable risers and shared cable trays