Keep calm und keep distance – Abstand halten sieht gut aus! Mit unserer Community-Maske sensibilisierst du deine Mitmenschen für Social Distancing und kannst dazu beitragen, ihr Ansteckungsrisiko und die Verbreitung der Pandemie zu reduzieren. #staysafe
Weil #stayhome nicht für alle gilt: Pro zwei verkaufter Masken spenden wir eine Maske an Obdachlose!
Beachte die geltenden Hygieneregeln wie Abstandhalten und regelmäßiges, gründliches Händewaschen mit Seife. Wasche deine Maske nach jedem Tragen bei 60°. Mehr zu Handling und Hygiene sowie Infos zu unserem Masken-Projekt erfährst du in unserem Blog.
Silk'n Revit Diamond Peeling Micro-Dermabrasion system deeply cleanses & rejuvenates your skin. Silk'n Revit will bring a youthful and radiant glow.
Enjoy a gorgeous, sun kissed tan with proto-col Bronze - an innovative all year round self tanning solution.
Paraxine kann die Losung gegen den Kater am Morgen danach sein. Paraxine kann ein effektives Katermittel sein.
Benefits: Longer wear times. Comfortable silicone hydrogel enables high oxygen levels to flow to your eyes. Clear vision. Stable fit and reduced lens movement. Ultimate UV protection. Class 1 UV filter. Avaira Vitality Toric contact lenses offer the combined advantages of the Avaira Toric lenses, with the enhanced water content and UV protection from the Avaira Vitality. These lenses are for those who require astigmatism correction. The third-generation material provides long-lasting comfort to further enhance the world-class high performance design.
About VISMED and Dry Eyes VISMED Single Dose 20 x 0.3ml The classic version of VISMED Eye Drops. VISMED Single Dose Vials contain 0.18% sodium hyaluronate, and also a number of important essential ions (salt nutrients) for the cornea. The special formulation of VISMED ensures immediate relief from the symptoms of dry eyes, and sufficient moisturisation of all the tissue in the eye. VISMED is the only lubricant eye drop preparation that contains both sodium hyaluronate and essential ions, and, as such, is very close in characteristics to the natural tear film. The inclusion of both sodium hyaluronate and essential ions in VISMED is possible because of its unique patented formulation. VISMED offers patients with sensations of dry eyes an unmatched combination of symptomatic relief and comfort. We recommend VISMED for a reliable treatment of the sensations of dryness in the eye. VISMED is available in boxes of 20 single dose vials, handy when you are out and about. It is preservative-free. How to Use VISMED Single Dose Vials Twist off tab.Unless otherwise recommended, place one or two drops into the conjunctival sac of the eye as often as needed.A sensation of blurred vision may be experienced immediately after application, as VISMED spreads over the eye.This will quickly diasappear as the solution forms a long lasting and transparent coating on the surface of the eye.VISMED may also be used while wearing contact lenses (rigid or soft). As VISMED does not contain preservatives, any solution not used immediately after opening should be discarded.