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Nicorette Icy White 2mg Sugar Free Nicotine GumNicorette Icy White 2mg Sugar Free Nicotine Gum helps you control your nicotine intake, whether you're quitting for good, cutting down slowly or at those times when you can't or don't want to smoke such as in pubs and restaurants or around children. It is a form of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) that quickly relieves the cravings and nicotine withdrawal symptoms you get when stopping smoking or reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke each day and works by releasing a controlled amount of nicotine that passes into your body through the lining of your mouth. The nicotine released from the gum is sufficient to relieve the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms and stop the craving to smoke, but not as much as a normal cigarette provides and gives you the nicotine "hit" without the toxins in cigarette smoke such as tar, lead, cyanide and ammonia that cause smoking related disease.Nicorette Icy White 2mg Sugar Free Nicotine Gum should be used by people who smoke up to 20 cigarettes a day, and those cutting down from the 4mg strength. If you smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day, start with the 4mg gum to control your cravings.Nicorette Icy White 2mg Sugar Free Nicotine Gum may also benefit smokers who want to quit by helping to control the weight gain that may be experienced when trying to stop smoking. It also contains a number of ingredients which help remove dental staining, so will help improve the whiteness of your teeth.When used correctly, Nicorette Icy White 2mg Sugar Free Nicotine Gum can significantly help your chances of stopping smoking successfully versus willpower alone. When making a quit attempt a behavioural support programme will increase your chances of success.Nicorette 2mg Sugar Free Nicotine Gum is also available in Original, Freshmint and Freshfruit flavours.
La farine de mais est une poudre jaune obtenue par le decorticage de grains de mais (Zea mays) et le broyage. Selon le degre de finesse de la mouture on obtient des farines ou des semoules plus ou moins fines Ingredient(s) : Farine de mais biologique Allergene : Ne contient pas d allergene introduit volontairement. (Au sens de la Directive 2000/13/CE et des directives modifiant l annexe III bis). Allergene pouvant etre present sur le site de conditionnement et etre un risque de contamination croisee : gluten, sesame, soja, moutarde, fruits a coques. Conseils d utilisation: La farine de mais s incorpore aux farines traditionnelles pour la fabrication de pains, gateaux, crepes, muffins. Elle peut aussi s utiliser en liant dans les sauces et cremes, et comme epaississant dans les soupes. Utilisee seule, elle donnera de succulentes galettes de mais (tortillas, millas.). Certifie AB et ECOCERT
Box of 5x Dry herb Coils for the Yocan Evolve-D
Leuchtendes Lachsfarben mit feinen Komplexen, ausgeprägte Noten von Himbeeren und roten Früchten. Am Gaumen saftige und runde Fruchtfülle, mit Schmelz und Struktur. Ausgewogen und animierend mit belebender Frische. Passt zu: frischem Ziegenkäse, leichten Sommersalaten und frischem Käse.
Specialite vegetarienne tartinable a base de pois chiches et de champignons. C est en Haute Provence que Michelle produit depuis des annees une gamme de preparations vegetariennes a base de graines germees. Dans ces preparations les lentilles sont tres digestes, car les rincages repetes lors de la germination ont enleve l exces de purine. Les graines germees constituent une classe d aliments particulierement riches en proteines, lipides, glucides enzymes, vitamines, antioxydants, sels mineraux, oligo-elements, fibres, chlorophylle. Ingredients : Pois chiches20%, champignons de paris10%, huile d olive, puree de sesame, jus de citron, sel, ail, romarin, eau. origine biologique Naturellement sans gluten Sans lait, sans oeufs, sans aucun produit d origine animale Sans huile de palme Allergenes : sesame Indications et conseils d utilisation : Cette specialite accompagnera les plats de legumes et les crudites.