Excursión de medio día por Barcelona que le permitirá descubrir la historia de la ciudad mientras visita algunos de los lugares más importantes de una manera cómoda y fácil. La primera parte de la visita consiste en un tour guiado a pie por las calles pequeñas y estrechas del Barrio Gótico, la parte más antigua de la ciudad. Durante esta visita, verá Las Ramblas, la Plaza de la Catedral, La Catedral, el Antiguo Barrio Judío, entre otros lugares interesantes. Se le dará tiempo libre para visitar la Catedral por su cuenta. Más tarde tomarán el autobús para comenzar con un tour panorámico por el resto de la ciudad. Pasarán por el elegante Passeig de Gràcia, donde se encuentran dos de los edificios más importantes de Gaudí (Casa Batlló y Casa Milà “La Pedrera”), el Arco del Triunfo, la Villa Olímpica y el Puerto Olímpico. En la siguiente parte de la visita se accede a la Montaña de Montjuic. Este es un lugar importante porque fue el escenario principal de los Juegos Olímpicos en 1992. Verán el estadio olímpico desde el autobús y luego tendrán la oportunidad de disfrutar de las vistas panorámicas de la ciudad en el tranvía aéreo (sujeto a las condiciones climáticas). La siguiente parada es la visita al Castillo de Montjuïc. Sus orígenes se remontan a 1640, siendo la fortaleza más antigua de la ciudad. Durante los siglos ha sido una torre de vigilancia, un calabozo, un centro de ejecución y, sobre todo, un punto de vista ideal para saber qué está pasando. Hoy en día, ofrece un paisaje incomparable, una imagen panorámica de 360º de Barcelona. Recorra el agitado pasado de Barcelona y disfrute de las vistas más privilegiadas de la ciudad. Al final, de regreso al autobús, de regreso al centro de la ciudad pasarán por la plaza Espanya, donde podrá admirar las mágicas fuentes, las torres gemelas venecianas, el MNAC y el centro comercial Las Arenas, construido en un antigua plaza de toros. Llegada a la plaza Catalunya y terminando el tour frente al Hard Rock Café, a solo cinco minutos a pie de la oficina de Julià Travel.
London Zoo Tiger Territory: Heimat der zwei vom Aussterben bedrohten Sumatra-Tigern des Zoos, die nach einer umfassenden Sanierung ein brandneues 3,6 Millionen Pfund teures Gehege bekamen. Im Tiger-Territory begeben sich Besucher auf eine Reise durch einem indonesischen Lebensraum und begegnen den wunderschönen Tigern durch Glasfenster die vom Boden bis zur Decke reichen. Die neue Anlage, die fünfmal so groß ist wie das frühere Tigergehege, wurde mit dem ZSL-Team aus Tierpfleger, Naturschützern und Experten entworfen um sicherzustellen, dass es den Bedürfnissen der Großkatzen perfekt entspricht. Tiger sind ausgezeichnete Kletterer und beobachten ihr Terrain gerne von einem hochgelegenen Aussichtspunkt und Tiger Territory erlaubt ihnen genau dies zu tun. Die Anlage verfügt über hohe Bäume auf denen die Katzen klettern können und hohe Fütterungssäulen, um ihre natürlichen räuberischen Verhaltensweisen zu fördern. Für die meisten Katzenarten eher unüblich: Tiger lieben das Wasser. Besucher können beobachten wie sie in ihrem maßgeschneiderten Pool abhängen. Wenn sie nicht im Wasser spielen, haben die Tiger Zugang zu Indoor-Höhlen, in denen die Besucher den großen Katzen beim Entspannen zugucken können. Sorgfältig angepflanzt um die tropischen Blätter der Insel Sumatra zu imitieren, studierte das Team von Experten des Gartenbaus Bilder der einheimischen indonesischen Flora, die der Tierpfleger Teague Stubbington bei seinem jüngsten Besuchs des ZSL-Tigerschutzprojekts gemacht hatte. Tiger-Territory arbeitet auf der ganzen Welt um das Schicksal des Sumatra-Tigers zu ändern. Damit wird es ZSL ermöglicht Tiger im ZSL London Zoo zu züchten und mehr über dieses flüchtige Tier zu erfahren. Das European Breeding Programme und das Global Management Species Programme for Sumatran Tigers werden vom ZSL London Zoo koordiniert – hier sind ZSL Spezialisten verantwortlich dafür eine gesunde und vielfältige Tigerpopulation in Zoos auf der ganzen Welt zu gewährleisten. Tiger Territory wird eine Generation von Menschen informieren und dazu inspirieren die Tiger zu schätzen, ihre Rolle in dessen Überlebenskampf zu unterstützen und somit weiterhin Hoffnung für die nächsten Jahre zu schaffen. Animal Adventure Wir haben gerade unseren neuen Kinderzoo namens Animal Adventure eröffnet. Diese Ausstellung bietet Tausenden von Kindern die Möglichkeit in die Sehenswürdigkeiten, Geräusche, Gerüche und Erfahrungen des Lebens im Tierreich einzutauchen. Penguin Beach Der 1.200 m² großer Pool der Ausstellung ist viermal größer und dreimal so tief wie der alte Pinguinpool des Zoos. Er fasst 450.000 Liter Wasser. Unsere große Vorführfläche macht die Fütterungszeit zu einem noch größeren Spektakel als zuvor. Penguin Beach Live bietet zweimal täglich Fütterungen, bei denen die Besucher beobachten können wie die Vögel um ihr Essen tauchen. Penguin Beach ist eine Brutstätte für Kolonien von Humboldt-, Goldschopf-, Brillen- und Felsenpinguinen und eine spezieller Pinguinkinderspielplatz, in dem die Kinder schwimmen lernen können. Butterfly Paradise Die Butterfly Paradise Ausstellung im ZSL London Zoo zeigt Arten aus mehreren Großregionen wie Afrika, Südostasien und Mittel- und Südamerika. Meet the Monkeys Vor zwei Jahren haben wir unsere Meet the Monkeys Gehege eröffnet für eine Brutgruppe von Bolivianischer Totenkopfäffchen. Ihr Lebensraum wurde so entworfen, dass es den bolivianischen Regenwald so nah wie möglich nachbildet obwohl es im Zentrum von London liegt. Aquarium Das Aquarium ist seit 1853 im ZSL London Zoo beheimatet und hat eine sehr interessante Geschichte. Es ist in drei verschiedene Hallen unterteilt, in denen verschiedene Fischarten beheimatet sind. Das Aquarium ist ebenfalls an vielen verschiedenen Naturschutzprojekten und Zuchtprogrammen beteiligt Blackburn Pavilion Fliegen Sie zu unserem neuen tropischen Blackburn Pavilion und lassen Sie sich in einem Vogelparadies im Zentrum von London entführen! Clore Rainforest Lookout Neu im ZSL London Zoo. Spüren Sie die Hitze Südamerikas in unserem tropischen Biom, wo exotische Bäume gedeihen und südamerikanische Affen, Vögeln und Wirbellosen sich frei entfalten können. Hier gibt es keine Trennwand zwischen euch und diesem erstaunlichen Lebensraum. Gorilla Kingdom Diese bahnbrechende £5,3 Millionen Ausstellung holt Zentralafrika ins Herz von London. Es bietet Besuchern die Möglichkeit, die erstaunliche Welt dieser Tiere in einer natürlichen Umgebung ohne Gitter zu erleben. Interaktive Möglichkeiten und Bildungsaktivitäten werden Besucher aus allen Lebensbereichen ansprechen. Gorilla Kingdom hebt die Bedrohungen hervor denen diese majestätischen Kreaturen in der Wildnis ausgesetzt sind. ZSL arbeitet daran sie zu beschützen, und diese Ausstellung markiert eine wichtige Entwicklung im Bewusstsein und in der Unterstützung deren Notlage.
A spectacular day out for all the family! Routes and Times With your Original Tour ticket, you have access to 6 bus tour routes around London. Four of these routes (Yellow, Blue and Orange) are sightseeing tour routes and buses run at a 15-20 minute frequency. The Green Route is The Loop Line around central London. The Orange and Purple Routes operate as a shuttle service and connect you with our sightseeing tours from the train stations and popular hotel districts of the capital. The information below is designed to help you plan your day out in London. Do also check our timetable for specific stop locations and route times. All times are subject to change and if you have any questions on the day, please do ask our friendly and knowledgeable on-street staff who are on hand to help you plan your perfect day in London! Yellow Route The Yellow Route presents the key sights and top attractions of London including the Tower of London, St Paul’s Cathedral, London Eye and Marble Arch. Crossing the river four times, you are guaranteed some spectacular views of London’s stunning scenery along the Thames. The Yellow Route T2 offers multilingual commentary in 11 different languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, Mandarin, Arabic &Brazilian; Portuguese) and live guides on Yellow Route T1. The main departure point for this tour route is located at Coventry Street, Piccadilly Circus but you can board the bus at any stop along the route. Blue Route - The Royal Borough Route The southern section of the Blue Route remains unchanged, covering the popular shopping district of Kensington with the world famous Harrods and Harvey Nicholls department stores as well as the museums in Kensington including Victoria & Albert Museum, Science Museum, Natural History Museum and the newly relocated Design Museum (opening 24 November 2016). The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea is the smallest borough in London but also one of the most densely populated. Nicknamed ‘Albertopolis’ after the husband of Queen Victoria, the area contains some of the most expensive residential properties in London along with a large number of museums (many with free entry) & cultural institutions. We invite you to hop-off The Original Tour anywhere along the route or stay on-board to view the impressive architecture of this beautiful area. Orange Route: The British Museum Tour The British Museum is the most popular attraction in London with over 6 million visitors per year. Dedicated to human history, art & culture, the museum houses over 8 million exhibits (not all of them on show at one time!) from all over the world. The new Orange Route also provides easy access from Kings Cross, St Pancras and Euston train stations. Clients arriving at these major train stations can now easily get into central London to switch onto the Yellow sightseeing tours which cover all the major sights and attractions of central London. Green Route The Green Route is a useful route to hop-on if you need to cross town quickly to get from one place to another. The Green Route operates at a frequency of every 20 minutes (20-30 minutes in winter) with the first bus departing Charing Cross Road (Leicester Square) at 9.15am and the last bus at 2.35pm. Purple Route Purple Route - Capital Connector (T6) The Purple Route is useful if you are staying in a hotel located in Bayswater, Notting Hill, Holland Park or Lancaster Gate or wish to go shopping at Westfield Shepherds Bush. Operating in both eastbound and westbound directions, the Purple Route operates more frequently in an eastbound direction, enabling you to join our Yellow sightseeing route at Marble Arch. Frequency: Every 20-30 minutes. EXPLORE LONDON FREE WALKING TOURS Get up close to London's incredible history. Included FREE with every bus tour ticket! Three fabulous walks put you at the heart of the world's most exciting city: Changing the Guard Walk: See Buckingham Palace, St James's Palace and the regiments that guard them in this exciting walk as you march alongside the guards at Buckingham Palace.* Departs daily 10:00am from The Original London Visitor Centre Rock ‘n’ Roll Walk: Take a 90 minute walk through the heart of London’s rocking heritage: The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, David Bowie and The Sex Pistols – it’s only rock ‘n’ Roll, but I like it! Departs daily 13:00 from The Original London Visitor Centre Jack the Ripper Walk: Walk in the footsteps of the world's most infamous serial killer as we reveal his murderous tale from the dark street of Whitechapel in 1888. Departs daily 16:00 from The Original Tour bus stop 11 at the Tower of London on Tower Hill * On non-guard change days (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) the walking tour will take you to see the Changing of the Horse Guard (at horse guards parade) and will then visit Buckingham Palace. The guard change does not take place if it is raining. ** All tours take approximately 90 minutes. Please note that the Jack the Ripper walk will finish at Aldgate East tube station and not at one of our bus stops. *** Walking tours are included FREE with an Original Tour ticket but can be purchased separately at £9 GBP each. MAIN DEPARTURE POINTS: The Original London Visitor Centre The newly opened London Visitor Centre is your one-stop-shop to the Capital and beyond. Visit us at our Trafalgar Square address for expert help from our excellent travel advisers. You can also purchase tickets for a range of exciting activities. Opening Hours: Monday-Saturday 08:30 to 18:00 Sunday & Bank Holidays 09:00 to 17:30 Address: 17-19 Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square Nearest Tube: Charing Cross or Piccadilly Circus Start Point 1 - PICCADILLY CIRCUS Directions: Yellow Route From Whitcomb Street: The stop is by the McDonald's between Piccadilly Circus and Leicester Square. Green & Blue Routes From Rupert Street: The stop is outside 'Yo Sushi' restaurant on Rupert Street No.19. Timetable - Frequency approx. 10 mins Yellow Route: First Bus 08:30, Last Full Tour 18:00 Green Route: First Bus 09:52, Last Full Tour 14:10 Blue Route: First Bus 08:45, Last Full Tour 17:15 Start Point 2 - TRAFALGAR SQUARE Directions: Green Route From Northumberland Avenue: The stop is opposite 'Garfunkel's' restaurant at Stop 'W'. Timetable - Frequency approx. 15 mins Yellow Route: First Bus 08:35, Last Full Tour 15:50 Green Route: First Bus 09:18, Last Full Tour 14:35 Start Point 3 - VICTORIA & GROSVENOR GARDENS Directions: Yellow Route From Buckingham Palace Road: The stop is located outside the Thistle Victoria Hotel on Buckingham Palace Road. Timetable - Frequency approx. 10 mins Yellow Route: First Bus 09:05, Last Full Tour 16:15 Start Point 4 - MARBLE ARCH Directions: Yellow Routes From Speakers' Corner: The stop is located at Speakers' Corner at Marble Arch on Park Lane. Take subway exit number '3', turn right at street level and go over pedestrian crossing. Our bus stop is the last on the right hand side
Coming to a city as (wonderfully) chaotic as Rome can be daunting. You will get a warm, Italian welcome and get you set up for the rest of your visit. Intimate groups of 15 people or fewer will guarantee easy access to your guide and the opportunity to ask anything you might want to know; from why Raphael is buried under the Pantheon, to where you can get the best pizza, or whether you should tip your waitress.
The tour starts in Piazza Navona, less of a plaza than a grand outdoor art gallery. You’ll learn about the political intrigues surrounding Bernini’s Fountain of Four Rivers as well as some of the artistic in-jokes that he carved into the stone. Next, you will head into a favorite site in Rome; the 1,900 year old Pantheon.
In the early evening this marvel from Antiquity is much less crowded than during the day and your guide will take full advantage of the serenity to tell you about the history of the iconic dome. After your visit of the Pantheon the tour will stop off for a scoop of gelato – Italy’s legendary answer to ice cream — included in the price of the tour. Then take a stroll to the iconic Trevi Fountain.
Your friendly, expert guide will explain the history and lore of the fountain before instructing you on how many coins to toss in depending on what wish you are hoping to fulfill (throw enough in and you might meet your soul mate!). You will finish our evening stroll at the famous Spanish Steps. Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck fans will recognize this spot from ‘A Roman Holiday’ - here they bumped into each other
Important Information:
It is required to cover your knees and shoulders if entering the Pantheon
Those with walking disabilities are encouraged to book a private tour rather than a group tour to allow the guide to adapt the route to their particular requirements.
STADIUM TOURS - BEHIND THE SCENES Take a look behind the scenes at Old Trafford. Retrace the steps taken by some of our greatest legends, relive the glorious history of the unique venue and marvel in the splendour of today's Theatre of Dreams. Sit in the heights of the North Stand for a bird's eye view of the pitch, stand in the Manager's spot in the dug out, sit in the Home changing room at your favourite players peg and emerge from the players' tunnel to the roar of the crowd. North Stand: Prepare yourself for a breathtaking look inside Old Trafford. Feel the passion as you enter centre stage at the Theatre of Dreams. Dugout: Pace down the old players' tunnel like the stars of matches gone by. Imagine standing next to the manager, and and discover where Sir Alex Ferguson used to put his gum. Players’ Tunnel: You've been around the Museum interacting with the exhibits, now it's time to see United in the flesh. Feel what it's like to stand in the players' tunnel, let your imagination run free as you look over the perfect green pitch - just two of the exciting prospects facing you on the Manchester United Tour. Dressing Room: Sit at the peg of your favourite player and imagine what it would be like to be a part of the team talk. MUSEUM - THE MANCHESTER UNITED EXPERIENCE Young or old, Manchester United fan or not, the Museum and Tour Centre is the place to be for a fun-packed day out. Opened by football legend Pele, the museum is an in-depth and interactive guide through the club’s history, with something for everyone to enjoy. The Trophy Room: View the vast array of honours and trophies won since 1908 when the Reds were crowned First Division Football League Champions. Legends: Charlton, Law, Best and Cantona; United’s history is full of football greats. This section is a match-winning hall of fame dedicated to United Legends. Munich: Time stands still as you hear the tragic news report that shocked the world. Newspaper articles, photographs and personal items from the Busby Babes make a moving reminder of that fateful day, 6 February 1958. The Treble Exhibition: Experience the drama as United’s glorious 1998-99 Treble-winning season unfolds. Relive the climax as an enthralling ten days saw Sir Alex’s side beat Arsenal to the Premiership title, lift the FA Cup and enjoy an unforgettable night in the Nou Camp... Kit: From Sandy Turnbull’s shirt in United’s first FA Cup success in 1909 to Brian Kidd’s 1968 European Cup final strip, see how the style, colours and material have changed over the years. Interact with the Man-U-Net: Imagine an electronic archive where you can find the details of any first team player in any competitive match since Manchester United began. With the Man-U-Net you can do that and more.
Sites Visited: Uffizi Gallery Masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Giotto, Titian, Michelangelo, Raphael, Perugino, Cimabue, Caravaggio, and more Piazza della Signoria Palazzo Vecchio Please note that the order of sites visited is subject to changes. Inclusions: Pre-reserved Uffizi tickets Palazzo Vecchio Tickets Expert local guide Headsets Small groups of 15 or fewer Exclusions: Gratuities Hotel Pick-Up/Drop-Off