Les shampooings BENECOS sont constitues d extraits de plantes issues de l agriculture biologique, d ingredients hydratants, ainsi que d eau de source alpine naturelle. Ils lavent en douceur de maniere efficace. L apres-shampooing BENECOS rend vos cheveux doux et faciles a coiffer, avec une agreable senteur citronnee ! Shampooing a l aloe vera: Procure un nettoyage doux, pour des cheveux soyeux.
Tipo:2 en 1 alisado y rizado de hierro; Tipo de Pelo:N/A; Material:Cerámica; Atributos Para el Cuidado del Cabello:El sobrepeso; Características:Calentado Rápido,Luz Indicadora de Encendido,Temperatura Constante; Temperatura:170; Voltaje:110-240; Potencia:51; Longitud (cm):35; Peso neto (g):301; Adjunto:N/A
Osmo An intense, sulphate free, mask specifically formulated for use on super-lightened, grey or bleached hair. Infused with super strong violet pigments to help remove unwanted yellow or brassy tones, hair colour is transformed and radiance restored.Please note:This is not suitable for use on hair extensions of any kind.
La mousse HairGenesis Trichoceutical est la solution ideale pour lutter contre les problemes de crane degarni et cheveux clairsemes. Ne se limitant pas a coiffer pour cacher, sa formule renforce, revitalise et nourrit vos cheveux amincis et affines pour prevenir leur chute et donner plus de volume.
Hair Building Fibers are perfect for concerning thin hair, aiming to give a naturally fuller appearance with pure, organic keratin fibres. Hair Building Fibers aspire to help boost feelings of confidence, & to be non-staining, discreet & convenient. They are biodegradable & cruelty free.
Keep on top of all appointments with the Agenda Superior Loose Leaf Refill 4 Assistant. It has 15 minute intervals timed from 8am to 8:45pm. Around 100 pages per pack. Loose Leaf Appointment Binders. Choose from: four, six or nine columns.