Features: Made of high-quality wood, environmental friendly and toxic-free. Strong and sturdy enough to support the monitor. Raise up the monitor to sight-level so that you don't need to bend your neck. Helps to prevent spinal disease. Individual slots for keyboard, notebook and other stationeries. Make your desk looks clean and neat.
Delve into the delicious world of herbal infused treats with this simple but speedy Mighty Fast Herbal Infuser! Create your own infused butter or oil to cook with and enjoy without the tedious guessing work and get 2-5 cups from this device. High and Mighty Enterprises has done their research so you dont need to so that you can get a richly infused edible with exact times and temperatures to yield the best results possible. With multiple settings available to give you a deeper infusion, this herbal infuser is a sleek piece of technology that is easy to enjoy! Featuring a double-walled stainless steel cooking barrel to make the process as effortless as possible, this machine is as powerful as it is elegant. Each infuser includes a handbook on how to properly use it, as well as the infuser itself and handy tools such as a strainer, measuring cup, and organic hemp filter. With different infusion settings to pick and choose from, you can sit back and relax knowing you are going to get a high-quality infusion every time you use this masterfully crafted Mighty Fast Herbal Infuser! Check out our recipe page , for great ideas and recipes to try out with your new infuser!
NEW Phoenix Fire Commander FS1911F Fire and Security Safe with Fingerprint Lock The Fire Commander safe offers fire and security protection for your valuables, cash, paper documents and digital media. This Phoenix safe is fitted with an advanced high security biometric fingerprint lock with a clear LED display. Can be programmed with up to 128 fingerprints. The FS1911F provides 120 minutes fire protection for paper documents, and 60 minutes for digital media. This fire safe is drop tested from 9.1 metres to survive impact of falling through floors, and is recommended for secure storage of up to £2500 cash or £25,000 worth of valuables. Supplied with two height adjustable shelves including hanging rails for lateral filing. The FSDPI03 data protection insert can be purchased alongside this safe to provide additional fire protection for your valuable data. Suitable for storage of: 18 lever arch folders 12 foolscap lever arch folders 12 foolscap box files This Phoenix Fire Commander FS1910 range has replaced the now discontinued FS1900 range
AutoSense System erkennt die Folienstärke und nimmt automatisch die optimale Einstellung vor Aufwärmzeit nur 60 Sekunden dank InstaHeat Technologie Laminiert eine A4 Folie in nur 24 Sekunden (750mm/Min.) Robustes 6-Rollen Laminiergerät für besonders hochwertige Ergebnisse Geeignet für Laminierfolien bis 250 Mikron (2x250) und Kaltlamination Staufreies Laminieren bei Vewendung mit Fellowes Markenlaminierfolien Einfache 1-Touch Bedienung mit Rücklauffunktion zum Entfernen schief eingelegter Folien Auto Shut Off Wird bei Nicht-Gebrauch aktiviert, reduziert somit den Energiekonsum. AutoSense Automatisch Laminieren - Einzigartiges AutoSense System erkennt die Folienstärke und nimmt automatisch die optimale Einstellung vor. Up to 250 mil Maximum Pouch Thickness 100% Jam Free Alle Fellowes Laminiergeräte sind 100% staufrei bei Verwendung mit Fellowes Markenlaminierfolien. InstaHeat Superschnelle Aufwärmzeit - Laminierbereit nach nur 30 bzw. 60 Sekunden dank InstaHeat Technologie. Hauptmerkmale
Aibecy 10cm / 3.9in 3D Impreso Earth Lamp LED Light 3 colores intercambiables (blanco / verde / azul) Brillo ajustable Touch Control USB Recharge con soporte de madera Festival de regalos Home Office Western Restaurant Decorativo Night Light
HAN Karteiregister A-Z für Lernkartei CROCO, A7 quer PVC, 16-teilig, transluzent, Breite des Kartenreiterkopfes: - 1 Stück (9872)