herlitz Doppel-Schlamper-Etui ""Girls"" 2 Fächer, 2 Reißverschlüsse, Maße: (B)205 x (T)70 x (H)90 mm - 4 Stück (50021284)
Protect your favorite VIE Vaporizer with this VIE Vaporizer Carry Case. These simple and durable cases offer a soft fabric inside and an outer zipper for quick and easy access. VIE keeps it simple and modern with the all black case with the VIE logo elegantly stamped on the front.
ROTH Hausaufgabenheft Kids ""Rosenball"", DIN A5 148 x 210 mm, 1 Woche / 2 Seiten, 104 Seiten, mit - 1 Stück (88434)
Hammercraft Grinders are perfect for a budget-minded smoker. These 40mm diameter grinders are high-quality and machined from a solid block of aircraft grade aluminum. All of these grinders contain powerful and rare earth magnets which keep the lid secure so that you get less spillage and waste. The four-piece grinder also features a pollen screen on the third tier with a catch chamber right below.
Beschreibung WEDO Lernkartei, DIN A8 quer, inkl. 100 Karteikarten, blau aus PP, mit Rolloverschluss (transluzent-weiß), Karteikarten liniert, bietet Platz für bis zu 500 Karten, inkl. 6 variablen Stützplatten, Maße: (B)92 x (T)217 x (H)73 mm (250 8003)
transotype Rollmäppchen ""senseBag"", schwarz aus strapazierfähigem Polyester, mit 18 Stiftschlaufen, - 1 Stück (76012018)