Benefits: Exceptional comfort. Innovative water gradient design provides more moisture for your eyes. High breathability. Allows your eyes to look and feel healthier. Easy to use. No special storage or cleaning required; just throw away your lenses after wear. Dailies Total 1 is a premium daily disposable lens by Alcon, designed to provide top levels of comfort and hydration for your eyes. An innovative water gradient design helps your eyes stay moist for longer, by providing more water where your eyes need it. Additionally, the outermost surface has water levels approaching 100% to further enhance your eyes comfort. According to a study by Alcon, 90% of Dailies Total 1 lens wearers agree that the lens is so comfortable they feel nothing at all. As a daily disposable lens, you won
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EXTREME H2O THIN - Biokompatible Monatslinsen für trockene und empfindliche Augen maximaler Tragekomfort durch schmale Passform hohes Wasserbindungsvermögen gute Sauerstoffdurchlässigkeit EXTREME H2O THIN eignen sich hervorragend für Menschen, die Ihre Linsen viele Stunden täglich tragen. Auch wer Probleme mit trockenen Augen bei der Arbeit am Monitor, in klimatisierten Räumen oder im Auto hat sollte diese Linsen testen. EXTREME H2O THIN zeichnen sich besonders durch ihre schmale Passform aus und liegen dementsprechend angenehm im Auge . Die dünnen Kontaktlinsen erhöhen außerdem die Sauerstoffdurchlässigkeit . EXTREME H2O THIN enthalten neben dem Trägerstoff auch Mucin , wodurch die Linsen besonders verträglich sind. Mucin bindet Wasser und nach 12 Stunden Tragen verlieren die H2O THIN gerade mal 1 Prozent ihrer Feuchtigkeit . Außerdem enthalten die Linsen nichtonisches Material, das Ablagerungen von Proteinen und Lipiden vorbeugt .
Hycosan Eye Drops are designed to improve the lubrication of the eye surface in eyes that are dry, sore or have foreign body sensations due to environmental conditions. Multi dose Hycosan Eye Drops provide long lasting comfort and relief from eye discomfort of non-medical origin without the use of preservatives.
MacuShield is specifically designed to include antioxidants, which help to protect the sensitive areas of the eye against damaging light and age-related changes. These antioxidants boost the natural defences of the eyes against potentially harmful blue light found in sunlight, TV screens and LED lights. Studies also suggest that MacuShield
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