Answer Pregnancy TestAnswer Pregnancy Test is an easy to use home pregnancy test that gives you results in just 1 minute. Simply hold the absorbent end of the test in your urine stream for a few seconds, then after a minute check the easy to read result - two lines pregnant, one line not pregnant.Answer Pregnancy Test works from the first day of a missed period and is over 99% accurate in laboratory testing.
Clearblue Pregnancy Test Kit DoubleThe only pregnancy test that changes colour to let you know it's working. Missed your period? Think you might be pregnant? Clearblue Easy +/- Results Pregnancy Test can be used as early as 5 days before you expect your period
Over 99% accurate from the day of your expected period The color sure tip changes color to let you know the test is working. Displays easy to read + or - results in 2 minutes Gives you results 5 days sooner The Clearblue Easy +/- Results Pregnancy Test is sold in packs of One or Two Tests. Easy-to-understand instructions in English and Spanish are included.
Clearblue Digital SingleThe pregnancy test that has it all Our new one-step digital pregnancy test gives you greater certainty in performing and reading your early home pregnancy test. Results are shown in words, 'Pregnant' or 'Not Pregnant.' No more lines to interpret.
The test is over 99% accurate from the day of your expected period A flashing hourglass symbol shows you that the test is working to give you reassurance while waiting for your result. The Clearblue Easy Digital Pregnancy Test gives you results 5 days sooner The Clearblue Easy Digital Pregnancy Test is sold in packs of One Test plus One Free Test or Two Tests plus One Free Test. Easy-to-understand instructions in English and Spanish are included.
Suresign Midstream Pregnancy TestSuresign Pregnancy Test is a quick and easy way to find out if you are pregnant, using a urine sample to detect for the presence of human Chronic Gonadotropin (hCG). hCG is produced 48 to 72 hours after conception and can normally be detected seven days following conception. Results are given using coloured lines.Suresign Pregnancy Test can be used as early as 4 days before your period is due and is 99% accurate when used one day after the period is due.Full instructions included.Higher Sensitivity than competitors; detects 15mIU/mL of hGC allowing for detection as early as four days before the period is due*Four windows to allow for increased absorbance.Tested to the highest standard; 99% accurate when used one day after the period is due.Results in 3 minutes.* When used four days before the period is due, the test is approximately 90% accurate for women with a regular cycle.
Freedom Midstream Pregnancy TestFreedom Midstream Pregnancy Test detect elevated levels of Human Choronic Gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine, which occurs when an egg is fertilised, thus determining whether you are pregnant or not.Interpretation of resultsNegativeOnly one coloured band appears on the control region. No apparent band on the test region.PositiveDistinct colour bands appear on the control and test regions. Both test line and control line indicate a positive result.InvalidNo visible band at all. A total absence of colour in both regions is an indication of procedure error and/or that test region deterioration has occurred. Repeat test with a new test kit.PrecautionsFor in vitro diagnostic use only.Do not use test kit beyond the expiry date.The test device should not be reused.Do not use the test kit if the pouch is damaged or the seal is broken.Read the leaflet before using the test kit.
Vitabiotics Pregnacare Max Dual PackPregnacareMax offers the ultimate formula in the range for mums-to-be who want the maximum nutritional support from Pregnacare. This advanced formula helps to safeguard daily intake of important nutrients during pregnancy. The dual pack provides 400mcg folic acid the exact level recommended by the UK Department of Health, incorporating the special, readily bioavailable form L- Methylfolate. It includes other essential vitamins and minerals, including 10mcg vitamin D and 500mg Calcium. The pack also contains a 300mg Omega-3 DHA capsule for normal foetal brain & eye development.Pregnacare Max tablets have been carefully formulated by experts to safeguard nutritional requirements during all of pregnancy.It is important to follow the directions and take the recommended TWO Pregnacare Max tablets per day, to ensure that you obtain the recommended level of 400 mcg folate (folic acid). Provides a daily intake of 10mcg Vitamin D as recommended by the UK Department of Health for all pregnant and breast-feeding women.Important: some pregnancy formulas do not include the exact 10mcg vitamin D, as recommended by the Department of Health for all pregnant and breastfeeding women. Produced in Britain to high GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) quality standards.Plus High Purity Omega-3 capsuleResearch increasingly shows the importance of essential fatty acids in the development of babies and infants.Each capsule provides 300mg DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), the level recommended by international experts (ISSFAL).Maternal intake of DHA contributes to normal foetal brain and eye development.A special, carefully balanced range of nutrients for pregnancyComprehensive formula Special nutritional support with L-Methylfolate, a readily available form of Folic Acid.At Recommended levelsProvides the UK Department of Health daily recommended levels of 400mcg Folic Acid and 10mcg Vitamin D.Brain & eye developmentWith 300mg DHA to contribute to normal foetal brain and eye development.Bone healthIncludes 500mg calcium with supporting nutrients, Vitamin D3 and Magnesium to help maintain normal bones and teeth.Blood formationIron and vitamins B6 & B12 to help contribute to normal red blood cell formation.Supporting range of nutrientsWide range of supporting micro-nutrients including Inositol, L-Arginine and Natural Mixed Carotenoids.