The old port in Fira is accessible only: By cable car: It is perfectly safe, it consists of 6 wagons and has capacity of 6 persons per wagon. During high season (April-October) it runs every 20 minutes. Single tickets cost €5 for adults and €2.50 for children. On foot: You would need to walk down the famous 600 steps of the traditional road that connects the old port with the town of Fira. The descend takes about 20-30 minutes, depending on your physical condition. By donkey: The donkeys used to be the traditional transportation way of the island. They go up and down to the old port of Fira frequently. A single ride costs around €5 per person and takes about 20 minutes. Most people prefer to take the donkey on their way up.
RED LOOP The official tour of the National Mall, authorized by the National Park Service and National Mall and Memorial Parks. Take in all the places that are synonymous with the nation’s Capital; The White House, U.S. Capitol, Air and Space Museum, Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, FDR Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial are just some of the iconic landmarks. Commentary provided in live guided commentary and in a choice of 8 pre-recorded languages. BLUE LOOP The Heroes tour travels to the sites and memorials honoring American heroes. Travel over the Potomac River leaving Washington, DC behind and visiting Virginia. The tour’s main features are Arlington National Cemetery, the Pentagon, the Pentagon City Fashion Center, and the US Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima Statue.) Other highlights include the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial, WWII Memorial and Air Force Memorial. Tour is available with live-guided commentary. YELLOW LOOP Travel through the city's historic center, passing the White House and Dupont Circle before heading out to discover Adams Morgan, the National Zoo, and the old world charm of Georgetown. Recorded commentary is available in your choice of 8 languages (French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese and English available). PANORAMIC NIGHT TOUR Experience the Capital’s standout landmarks beautifully illuminated after dusk. Accompanied by your knowledgeable tour guide, you will be able to discover the stories behind Washington’s iconic landmarks. Your guide will explain the history of these national monuments and reveal the perfect position to capture the most impressive photos. DURATION: 2 Hours OPERATES: March 13- May 25: 19:00* May 26 to September 4: 19:30* September 5 to March 12: 18:30* *Departure from Willard Hotel is 30 minutes earlier. REDEMPTION INSTRUCTION: Redeem vouchers at either starting location: Union Station or Willard Hotel. Commentary The multi lingual tours provide a personal commentary in a choice of eight languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin, Japanese and Portuguese Your ticket will be valid for 48 hours from the first time you hop on the bus!
KOWLOON TOUR Kowloonis a melting pot of bright neon, shopsand markets. The Kowloon tour departs from the Peninsula in TsimShaTsui; you may visit the renowned Ladies Market and more than 15 shopping malls with a huge rangeofbars and restaurantsin TsimShaTsui and MongKok districts!
Our tour begins with a coach drive direct to the dark side of London. The Theatre Drury Lane, said to be the most haunted theatre in London, your guide will tell you why! We see The Old Bailey - the site of numerous public hangings, drive along Fleet Street, home of Sweeny Todd - the demon barber of Fleet Street - and his accomplice, Mrs Lovatt, who was said to have baked pies from the flesh of his victims, selling them to unsuspecting customers. As the shadows lengthen, we approach London's East End, a hotbed of crime and vice in the 19th century. During the autumn of 1888, terror struck when Jack the Ripper came out of the fog and dimly lit alleys just long enough to stalk and butcher his five victims. We leave the coach and walk his death trail inspecting the murder sites, deciphering the evidence and discussing the suspects. We will see the 10 Bells Pub, built in 1752 where many of Jack the Ripper's victims were said to have drunk. To this day the case remains unsolved. This is a combination coach/walking tour and will finish at a traditional pub.
SKYSLIDE OUE Skyspace LA boasts a thrill experience unlike any other: Skyslide, an outdoor glass slide, positioned nearly 1,000 feet above downtown Los Angeles. The Skyslide is forty-five feet long, approximately 4 feet wide and made entirely with 1-1/4 inches thick glass. Visitors will experience Skyslide’s unparalleled views in a whole new way as they glide from the 70th to the 69th floor of the U.S. Bank Tower. *Additional Charge applies. OBSERVATION DECK OUE Skyspace LA is proudly home to California’s tallest open-air observation deck. Visitors will experience the California sunshine like never before, perched nearly 1,000 feet above downtown LA. Boasting an unmatched 2,800 square feet of outdoor space, there’s simply no better way to honor Los Angeles. INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGY The Digital Interactive Level will feature a variety of elements for our guests to enjoy our dynamic technology experience. The 360-degree Digital Topography Wall of Los Angeles will have information on landmarks, neighborhoods, and other points of interest. From the Infinity Mirror that creates reflections upon reflections, to the Silhouette Wall which uses pixels to create reflective images based on body movement, these exhibits specifically designed for OUE Skyspace LA make for a dynamic experience to be enjoyed again and again. Your Flex Admission Includes: Priority Entrance & Non-Timed Admission Flex Admission allows guests who have pre-selected a specific date the flexibility of non-timed admission. Additional benefits include: Priority Entrance & Exit Access to purchase special Skyspace Public Events Exclusive Sponsor Offers
Batobus takes you to the heart of Paris, to reach the various quarters of the capital. With 8 stops on the route, Batobus shows you a different view of Paris and is an original way of getting about in Paris. Hop-on hop-off points • Tour Eiffel: Port de la Bourdonnais.At the foot of the 1,710 steps of a great Parisian landmark. • Musée d'Orsay: Quai de Solférino. Next to the museum, a stop leading to the world of the Impressionists. • St-Germain-des-Prés: Quai Malaquais. Near the Institut de France, the Paris of artists and intellectuals. • Notre-Dame: Quai de Montebello. The architectural harmony of the cathedral and the carefree student atmosphere of the Latin Quarter. • Jardin des Plantes / Cité de la Mode: station was moved to the foot of the Cité de la Mode, just 10 minutes walk from its original location. • Hotel de Ville: Close to Pont d'Arcole. The City Hall stop leads to the richness and contrasts of the Marais district and the Pompidou Centre. • Louvre: Between Pont Royal and Pont du Carrousel. Reveals a quarter where history and history of art are one. • Champs-Elysées: Close to Pont Alexandre III. Mythical Paris-the Grand Palais, the Petit Palais and Avenue Montaigne.