Stimulating and invigorating Natural Maca extract (Peruvian ginseng) Ethically-produced in the high plains of Peru Supports physical and mental health Standardised to 0.6 % macamides and macaenes (active ingredients)
Die Makari De Suisse Exclusive Creme zur Aufhellung der Haut schafft es die Haut zu bleichen und damit aufzuhellen. Es konnen Pigmentflecken und dunkle Stellen aufgehellt werden.
Pendant la periode des examens, il peut etre complique de garder une clarte d esprit et donc de reunir toutes les capacites demandees au moment ou il vous l est demande. CeSpray Compose Floral Bio Etudes et Examens N 8 laboratoire Devaest excellent pour developper votre creativite et garder l esprit clair. Etudiants, collegiens et lyceens, ce spray repondra a tous vos besoins pour vous aider a rester concentrer a tous les niveaux. Vous pourrez acquerir de nouvellescompetences de synthese et ameliorer vos capacites a l oral mais aussi a l ecrit. Ce complement alimentaire est la solution parfaite pour vous aider dans vos recherches mais il sera egalement l assistant des enseignants et de toutes les personnes qui ont besoin de rester concentrees, coherentes et claires dans leur travail. Ingredients : Base Alcool : Eau de source, cognac, macerations solaires (0,5 %) de : Citronnier (Citrus limonum), de Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus), d Iris (Iris sp.
Pour restaurer l'elasticite et l'hydratation de la peau, le Serum Bio de Skin Doctors est riche en extraits botaniques et en vitamines E & A. 3
Traditional Ayurvedic powder for hair & skincare Methi (Indian: fenugreek seed) powder is incorporated into skincare due to its ability to soothe itchiness and irritations. It is often used for irritated and inflamed skin, dandruff and premature hair loss. Fenugreek seed powder activates cell renewal and healthy hair growth. It is also beneficial when it comes to wounds, atopic dermatitis, fine wrinkles and age spots. When used as a face mask, it absorbs excess sebum leaving the skin flawless and radiant. Application: Hair mask: Mix with warm water until a paste is formed and apply to the hair, massaging the scalp and distributing into the ends. Leave on for up to 15 minutes, rinse and cleanse with a natural shampoo or Aritha powder. Methi powder can be blended with other powders. Skincare: Mix with water or floral water and apply an even layer to the skin (face and/or body). Blend in a few drops of essential oil or other high-quality oils. Leave on for 10 minutes. The paste will dry if no oil is added to the mixture. Rinse thoroughly with water. It is recommended to follow with a toner or floral water as well as a moisturiser or plant oil. Ingredients (INCI): Trigonella Foenumgraecum powder
This 12 different kinds of essential oils, having different function. Improve circulation system, ease the nerve and relieve fatigue. Refresh the mind relax muscles, tranquilize the sleep. Relieve headache.