2-colour cloth mask. 2-ply with practical rubber bands. This temporary mask is made of high-quality traditional costume fabrics and handmade with lots of love for you. The design is highly reliable and practical, since it is easy to use and store. The elastic bands guarantee an easy putting on and taking off of the mask. The high-quality dirndl fabric is made of 100% pure cotton. That means it is tightly woven, but breathable at the same time. The fabric mask is slightly open at the top so you can add an additional layer for optimal protection. This can then be replaced, and you can wear the fabric mask for longer. The face covering is made with different fabrics on the front and back. This allows you to match it with your outfit and colour coordinate as you like... if you already have a fabric mask, then you can make it more beautiful and as unique as you like, using one of these mas...
Nexus Pheromones ist ein leicht duftendes Pheromon Parfüm für Männer zur Steigerung der Anziehungskraft auf Frauen. Das Pheromonspray ist vegan, glutenfrei und diskret anzuwenden.
Keep calm und keep distance – Abstand halten sieht gut aus! Mit unserer Community-Maske sensibilisierst du deine Mitmenschen für Social Distancing und kannst dazu beitragen, ihr Ansteckungsrisiko und die Verbreitung der Pandemie zu reduzieren. #staysafe
Weil #stayhome nicht für alle gilt: Pro zwei verkaufter Masken spenden wir eine Maske an Obdachlose!
Beachte die geltenden Hygieneregeln wie Abstandhalten und regelmäßiges, gründliches Händewaschen mit Seife. Wasche deine Maske nach jedem Tragen bei 60°. Mehr zu Handling und Hygiene sowie Infos zu unserem Masken-Projekt erfährst du in unserem Blog.
Type:Stylus Pens,Anti-dust Plug; Style:Special Design,Name Brand Style,Metal Finish; Material:Metal,Plastic; Net Weight:0.021; Listing Date:11/01/2016; Base Categories:Mobile Phone Accessories,Telephony,Communications,Electronics,Mobile Phone Charms Straps; Popular Country:Israel,Switzerland,Italy; Special selected products:COD
Niltac Sting Free Adhesive Remover SprayNiltac Sting Free Adhesive Remover Spray helps to remove medical adhesives from the skin without causing trauma or pain. It creates a later of silicone, a release agent, between the adhesive and the skin, causing the adhesive to fall away from the skin. The silicone then evaporates in seconds without affecting the adhesive or the skin, so the same adhesive can be re-stuck if required.Removing medical adhesives from skin can strip cells from the outer protective layer which can cause pain and extend the healing process. Adhesive removers which contain alcohol or oils can cause problems such as having an astringent effect on healthy and broken skin, forming a residue after use and not leaving the skin able to receive new appliance, whereas silicone adhesive removers such as Niltac Sting Free Adhesive Remover Spray avoid these problems.Niltac Sting Free Adhesive Remover Spray is CE marked in accordance with EU directive 93/42/EEC for medical devices.
Pet CBD Food for [Large] Dogs is a natural, CBD hemp oil supplement for dogs that’s made with all organic flavor. You may have heard of CBD for cats or CBD for pets, but Pet CBD Food is just for dogs!Pet CBD Food is specifically designed for man’s best friend in order to help support their overall wellness. CBD Dosage & Feeding Instructions:Use 8-10 drops of CBD Pet Food on your pet's food, treats, or water bowl 1-2 times a day depending on your pet's condition.This product is for large dogs between 41lbs and 100lbs and contains 100mg of CBD oil.Put a little calm in your dog’s bowl with CBD Pet Food for Dogs!