L Huile d onagre 120 capsules Nat et Form est extremement riche en acides gras essentiels (AGE) dont 70 % d acide linoleique et 10% d acide gamma linolenique. Ces acides gras sont des precurseurs des prostaglandines, substances qui agissent au niveau du cycle menstruel. L huile d Onagre entre egalement dans la composition des produits permettant de retarder le processus et l apparition des phenomenes du vieillissement. Elle permet egalement une prevention de la deshydratation cutanee. L application sur la peau d acides gras essentiels (AGE) permet d empecher la perte d eau et ameliore l etat de la peau carencee en AGE. Marque : Nat et Form Denomination commerciale : Huile d onagre (Oenothera biennis) Ingredients / INCI : par capsule: Huile d onagre bio : 500 mg - oenothera biennis,Vitamine E (antioxydant) : 2,5 mg, capsule molle.
Eco Masters Exclusive Aufhellungsseife ist ideal zur Behandlung von Pigmentflecken und Verfarbungen der Haut, mit zwei beruhigenden, reinigenden Waschriegeln. Zur Reinigung von Talgruckstanden enthalt Eco Masters Exclusive Soap Extrakte aus Mandeln fur eine einfache, einmal tagliche Anwendung.
Fashion and Health
Dual Loop styling is back this year and with a new silicone builds,
the therapy bracelet is perfect if you are looking for a clean,
comfortable and stylish design which is protected in the water, snow and
the sun.
Clinically Proven Benefits
- The DUO-LOOP wristband contains powerful negative ion producing
materials in the pod and patented magnetic technology working together to
produce the most powerful product of its type on the market today. Based
on the magnetic therapy beliefs, this results in an increased blood flow,
which produce higher levels of the anti-inflammatory white blood cells
whilst helping to remove toxins from your body.
- Flexi, waterproof silicone band dual loop style, ideal for an active
- Negative ions improve performance and create a sense of wellbeing.
71% of people suffer from some sort of joint pain. Magnetic therapy has
shown to:
- Reduce pain
- Increase mobility
- Make daily movements easier
- Reduce stiffness
- And they are effective regardless of age, gender or health
Key Features
- Powered by Colantotte to relieve stiffness and improves circulation
- Alternating north and south polarity oriented ferrite magnets
maximizes magnetic field
- Infused with negative ions released at rates of over 1,000 cc
- Registered as a CE Mark Class 1 Medical Device
- Water resistant high grade medical silicone construction
Box Contents
1x Trion:Z DuoLoop Magnetic Therapy Bracelet Red White - Small
Der Waist Trainer beschert Ihnen eine definierte Taille und reduziert den Bauchumfang effektiv. Der Waist Trainer hat bereits vielen Frauen geholfen.
The STIG is a small, on draw activated, disposable mouth to lung pod device. It is an extremely lightweight pocket sized pod designed for portability and ease of use. The STIG is comprised of a small tank containing 1.2 ml of 60 mg of VGOD SaltNic e-liquid. It includes a fully charged, low wattage battery that is guaranteed not to lose charge until e-liquid is fully enjoyed. The STIG comes in a pack of three and can easily travel with you anywhere you go. Never worry about charging or refilling pods ever again! Enjoy true satisfaction and redefine your lifestyle with the STIG today! Cubano by VGOD: is a smooth Cuban cigar with a drizzle of creamy vanilla, providing a fresh and rich Cuban tobacco flavor! Note: the package box will become Chinese Letters. Brand: VGOD Model STIG DISPOSABLE POD Tank capacity 1.2ml Taste Mighty Mint Quantity 3
Super Diet Acerola 1000 BIO 24 comprimes -Description complete du produit : L acerola, appelee egalement Cerise du Bresil, est une baie ayant une teneur en vitamine C bien superieure a celle de l orange et du kiwi. La vitamine C est un des meilleurs antioxydants, et doit etre assimilee quotidiennement par l organisme pour en garantir les bienfaits . Supert diet Acerola 1000 BIO 24 comprimes vous apporte les apports en vitamine C necessaires a votre bien-etre. Chaque comprime vous apporte 170 mg de vitamine C assimiles rapidement par votre organisme grace aux bio-flavonoides naturellement presents dans le composant principal du produit. -Conseils d utilisation : Pour profiter au maximum de l effet anti-oxydant du supert diet Acerola 1000 BIO 24 comprimes, nous vous conseillons de prendre un comprime a croquer par jour, de maniere fractionnee tout au long de la journee.