ROTH Schultüten-Sortiment, 6-eckig, 850 mm sortiert in den wichtigsten Motiven für Jungen und Mädchen, - 1 Stück (6785921)
ROTH Hausaufgabenheft Unicolor ""Grafik Grau"", DIN A5 für clevere Faule, 148 x 210 mm, 1 Woche / 2 Seiten, 104 - 1 Stück (88467-819)
herlitz Zeichnungsmappe Smiley B&Y ""Stripes"", DIN A3 Hochglanzkarton, mit 3 Innenklappen, mit Gummiband, - 1 Stück (50016075)
These Grape cones from Juicy Jays are one and a quarter inch long and are "sooo... JUICY". Theyre pure hemp papers and are printed with soy ink. Its ingredients include natural gum sugar made in Spain which is the birthplace of rolling paper! Each smell proof tube comes with 2 cones and a filling tool.
This is a large capacity backpack.It is very suitable to take it to sport,climbing,travel and other outdoor activities.It is high quality and with special design.
Acryl Periodensystem der Elemente Chemische Elementtabelle Anzeige Lernwerkzeug für Lehrer Schüler für Home School Desk Crafts Decor