Ein bouquetreicher Silvaner mit fruchtigen und blumigen Nuancen, gepaart mit intensiven gelben Früchten. Passt zu: Spargel, Forelle mit Kräuterkruste und Zitronendip, kräftigen Speisen.
Senkrechtstarter Michael Trenz beweist sein grosses Talent, in dem er die nuancenreiche Frucht der Rebsorte Riesling ebenso deutlich zum Ausdruck bringt, wie die animierende und dezente Zitrusnote, die einen guten Riesling aus dem Rheingau auszeichnen. Auf meisterliche Weise kombiniert sein Urgestein raffinierte Mineralität, eindrucksvolle Aromatik, unwiderstehliche Frische und transparente Leichtigkeit. Besser geht es kaum Passt zu: kräftigen Seefischen, Meeresfrüchten und hellem Fleisch.
Designed with futuristic elements in mind, Eleaf new Lexicon boasts a gorgeous looking decorated with intersecting lights. Available in various colors and effects, the LEDs will light up in the way you¡¯d like them to be. The Lexicon is powered by dual 18650 batteries and can fire up to 235 watts. this Lexicon Mod presents you an unprecedented vaping experience. Stealth Mode Preheat Function "Light Show" Outline Design Seven Different Color LED Lights Choose from Multiple Light Effects Temperature range at 100?-300?/200?-570? Powered by 2 x 18650 (sold separately) Micro USB Charging Port Firmware Upgradeable Brand: iSmoka Eleaf Output wattage 1-235W Output mode VW/TC(Ni/Ti/SS316/TCR) Max charging current 2A Resistance 0.05 - 3.0ohm (VW Mode)/0.05 - 1.5ohm (TC Mode) Size 81 x 45 x 31mm
mmmm delicious! As soon as you enter Aunt Trudl's house you can smell the mouthwatering aroma of apples and cinnamon! LEt the scents of her apple strudel wash over you with this delicious tea. The comforting fruit tea blend allows you to experience these scents and flavours every day! The gorgeous, fruity and sweet scent of cinnamon and apples determines the flavor of the tea. It's just like drinking a homemade apple strudel.
Augvape Druga Foxy TC Box Mod is a exquisite design like your smart phone, one of the originators of the now standard Box Mod form factor. Augvape Druga Foxy Mod features a curved and ergonomic design intended to fit comfortably within the user's hand during use. The special pattern on this mod makes more fashionable. It was Powered by dual 18650 batteries (NOT INCLUDED), the Druga Foxy can reach maximum output power to 150W. The allowed resistance range is from 0.05 to 3.0 ohm. With its high power capability and ergonomic shape, the Augvape Druga Foxy TC Box Mod is an ideal device. High Quality Zinc Alloy Construction Switchable IML Panels 9.2 x 5.2mmOLED Digital Display Read Resistance Automatically TC Range at 100-315